I need to go before I do or say something stupid. My lips part, to utter a goodbye, and the gesture catches his gaze. Right there, I get my answer. His pupils dilate until there's only a thin ring of dark gray surrounding them. If actions or words can be hard to interpret, biology isn't.

Kate was fucking right. She saw something I was too blind and clueless to notice. This whole thing isn't as one-sided as I thought. Alcohol knocked down the voice of reason supposed to counterbalance my irrational thoughts, because nothing comes up to contradict them.

I can't recall why I'm resisting this so hard. Not when he looks at me like that. That's probably why the rest unfolds the way it does.

I tilt toward him hastily, only to be painfully reminded of the seatbelt, which I unbuckle with a curse. This time, he's already halfway there when I reach for his nape.

With a brutality that shows our impatience, our mouths collide.

The moment our lips touch, everything else fades. It's as though I've waited months for this, years, instead of mere weeks. The shiver that runs through my entire body to end between my legs is indescribable. With my hand still on his neck, I pull him harder, tilting my head to the side to adjust the angle of our kiss.

I vaguely hear the clicking sound of a seatbelt being undone, and then he turns to face me better. His hands reach for me soon after, one on my waist, and one on the back of my head, and he eagerly draws me closer, despite the console separating us.

The warm, silky touch of his tongue grazes over my lips, and it sends another one of those mind-blowing shivers all the way to my core. A moan escapes my mouth as I unlock my jaw to give him the access he demands. Soon, he's invading me, his tongue demanding and voracious. My fervor equals his, and in an instant, we're battling to sample each other.

One month of unsatisfied needs and built-up frustration is unleashing at once. The dam is broken.

It's all so overwhelming and I'm burning inside out, but I still need so much more. A helpless moan travels from my mouth to his as I try to get closer to him, to feel more of him, but the wide middle console prevents it. I want his body pressed against mine, and I want it now.

As if I actually expressed my needs out loud, his hand reaches for my thigh, under my dress' hem, and with impressive strength, he pulls me over the separation and onto him. I focus on keeping our kiss going as he maneuvers me on his lap until I'm straddling him. Hoisted up like this, our faces are perfectly aligned, and I can enjoy him more thoroughly.

His hands are now moving up and down my body, caressing my naked back, apparently as greedy as I am to feel more. Framing his handsome face, I devour him, giving him the boldest kiss I ever gave anyone. My tongue is shamelessly licking, exploring the convoluted warmth of his mouth, greedily taking everything.

I get lost in our kiss, feverish and dizzy. Starved for more, I eagerly press my throbbing core against him to find some relief. With only a thin layer of lace shielding me, my pussy might as well be directly on him.

Oh, my... Someone is as aroused as I am, and that someone has to be hiding a baseball bat in there.

This is far beyond any expectation I might have had, so much more than all the fantasies I had of him. Even with my sparse knowledge and little experience, I know Alexander Coleman is divine at this. He's as restless as I am to feel more, to taste more, to get more, but he isn't taking control, nor is he impassive under me. We share the moment. I could kiss him like this for hours, bending to the will of his lips, melting every time his expert tongue grazes mine in lascivious touches.

How many women has he kissed to become this good? How many hours of it for me to be so entranced?

Somehow, I refuse to be just one more of these women. I'm far from being the first, and I most certainly won't be the last. But still, I can leave a mark. I'm not sure how I can upgrade my kissing game, but I can try.

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