Chapter 10

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Zall walks out of her herb gathering class with Professor Gortlath
“Bye Sphinx.” Zall says patting sphinx’s head as she exits the classroom
“Have a nice day Zall!” Sphinx meows happily watching Zall’s confusion.
“When did Sphinx learn to talk?” Zall asks Legomore as they exit class
“I don’t know.” Legomore responds “must be recent though.”

They walk towards the Water dorms and sit at the chairs near the aquarium.
“Ooo… you have that look on your face. Your thinking about him.” Legomore says looking at Zall’s blushing face.
“I am not!” Zall says defensively blushing even more.
“You don’t need to be so hard on him, you know.” Legomore say’s following Zall’s gaze through the aquarium to a Tabaxi named Fang.
“Shut up.” Zall says, hitting him hard in the arm.
“Ok. Ok. You don’t need to hit me, for the love of ziv that hurt!” Legomore says holding his arm as Inix enters the water dorm commons

“You are both so stupid.” Inix says walking past them pulling their heads together. “Love is a waist, both of you have excellent talents use them to lure not lurk, creeps, thankfully I don’t have anyone falling over me”

“What are you a philosopher?” Legomore says mockingly. Inix gives him a look that says I know where you sleep and I know your weak spots. “Also you do have more guys in a trance than most girls in this country.” Legomore says sharply, giving a stair, basically asking for a fight.

“Zall, we should get going to Alchemy.” Inix says as she swaps her bags.

“Don’t forget to kiss Fang on your way out Zall!” Legomore says but then promptly gets smacked by both Inix and Zall.

“That poor boy” Murkith says to Arzoth as they see Legomore get smacked on the security system chuckling to themselves.

Later that day as Legomore is sitting in his healing class a acquaintance of his named Kayal passed him a note that states “hey it’s Kayal I’ve had these feelings for a while but I was wondering if you would like to be my love?” After Legomore read this note he shouted out in class “YES, 100%”.
“Yes?” The teacher asked Legomore inquisitively.
“Nothing mrs. Altroplai, sorry for interrupting the class” Legomore muttered shamefully.
“Thank you dear you may take your seat now though” the kind old lady mrs. Altroplai said while softly chuckling, then going back to teach about the dos and don’ts of healing magic.

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