Chapter 9

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As Murkith and xile were walking back to the portal that brought them to this sandy hells cape they see Arzoth dragging Rohan through the portal. due to rohan's discomfort Murkith clues that Rohan would rather not be here. “Arzoth, Rohan, over here” Murkith shouts as Xile turns to sand holding his sword; the same sword that was locked away for centuries because it stole the souls of almost all the capital city. Arzoth turns to see Murkith and sees the figure of xile disappear but decides now is not the time for this discussion.

   Arzoth heard a hard knock on the door to his office and when he opened it he was surprised to see Murkith holding Sphinx who was glaring at him fiercely.

       “Uhh… Arzoth…” said Murkith with a shaky voice.

    “Yes?” Replied Arzoth with mild interest in his voice

    “I may have accidentally gave Sphinx … the ability to talk..” murmured Murkith basically just breathing instead of speaking.


      “Come again?” Asked Arzoth


      “I accidentally gave Sphinx the ability to speak.” Murkith says

      Arzoth laughs and looks at Sphinx.

       “I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you my friend.” Said Sphinx

      Arzoth stops laughing and looks to Murkith who looks more embarrassed than a preteen on their first date

    “How… did this happen?” Asks Arzoth

     “Well,” says Sphinx “ I was having a nice nap in the sun when I hear a bird in Murkith’s office, so I do whatever any sensible cat would do and try and catch it. Then as I pounced I was hit by this doofus’s spell and when I of course hit the bird I said gotcha and then I see this idiot staring at me like I just murdered his pet bird so I said oops and tried to run away but then he picked me up and ran here.”

     “Is this true Murkith?” Arzoth asks.

    “Yes.” Replies Murkith almost crying due to embarrassment.

     Just then Rohan walks in and Murkith and Arzoth both stuff Sphinx behind there back.

     “Hey, have you seen Sphinx anywhere?” Asked Rohan.

      “Nope, not at all” Murkith states quickly 

       “Maybe he is in the tunnels around the school again”  Arzoth says trying to be as convincing as possible.

       “I’m right here you idiots!” Meows Sphinx loudly from behind Arzoth and Murkith. “The bozo on the left made me able to speak, he is a nasty swine.”

“What was that” Arzoth says pretending to look around being extremely suspicious. “If you be quiet I’ll give you as many mice as you want” Arzoth says while petting Sphinx.

“Hey a little lower, lower, that is the spot!” Said Sphinx as Arzoth scratched his back..

“I don’t know what’s happening here but when your done with Sphinx please bring him back to me.” Said Rohan trustingly

“Don’t do more spells on him.” Arzoth says with a smile

“Says you, pig sniffer!” Sphinx said as Murkith and Rohan leave the room.

“Well Sphinx, how do you feel?”

“Great, a little hungry though I didn’t get to eat the bird.” Said Sphinx with a sad tone

“Ok what would you like? Salmon? Chicken? Tuna? The mice I promised?” Said Arzoth suspiciously.

“Pasta” Sphinx purred in a Italian accent.

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