first night'

496 25 1

At singhania's mansion

Karan : don't worry... I'll not harm go and get change.

Tanya:But why you marry with me ...

Karan stopped and

Karan : because I'm obsessed with you...

Tanya: is this real reason or ...

Karan goes close to her..

Karan: or nothing...and please think any stupidity in your small mind ...
Okk baby?

With that Karan leave the room...

Tanya is still trying to process..

After some time Tanya thought to change her clothes (wedding dress)

But she doesn't bring anything from her house ...

So she wants to talk about this with Karan ... But how..

Karan's POV
I don't know...wht she is thinking about me...she probably having so many thoughts ..but ...
I really don't know...why I did this ..
That I know...i don't love her but...
I'm obviously obsessed with her..
Whatever I have to check her up..
End of karan's POV

Karan enter in their bedroom ...
And found that ..Tanya is sleeping without changing her clothes...

Then Karan remember that...she doesn't bring anything from her house...

So he thought too wake her...up..too change her clothes in his...shirt in pants...

But he saw her...Tanya is sleeping peacefully...he stopped and admired her beauty...

And with that....he slept on the couch...

Next day..

Tanya wake up...and found no one in room except her ...

Actually Karan woke up before her...

She is sitting in bed...and then Karan entered in room...

Karan : for now you can wore my clothes...and will go too my mall can do shopping..for what you need ..

Tanya nodded

Tanya change her clothes in to his clothes...
That's not her size ..but's comfortable...

She step out of washroom..

Now Karan is staring at her from head too toe...

May be checking her

Karan : let's go...

Then they goes to his car ..
And he opened the door..for her...
And one of his bodyguard open another door for his...

They both sitted..and driver started the car...

Some bodyguards are with them...but not in same car ...

Two cars are before them...and another two is after them

They reached to mall...

That mall is looking so luxurious...

They step in mall...

And Karan held Tanya's hand...

Tanya is feeling little bit shy....

Because he is holding her hand..and she is wearing his clothes..

All are staring at them...

But no one dared to say something...
Because it's his mall...

Karan and Tanya both stopped infornt of clothes section..

Karan: pick the clothes what you want...

Tanya nodded...

Tanya pick some clothes wear in home...and some casual clothes...

And of staff member came to Tanya ...

Staff : mam can I help you in something..?

Tanya: no I'm done...

Staff: okh mam...

Karan : are you done..?

Tanya : hmm

Karan: can you please check it up..(Karan said to staff)

Staff: sure sir..

Staff checked it up...

Staff : sir , mam get only... some random and causual clothes..

Karan stare at Tanya...

But is still looking down..

Karan : I'll also choose something for. Her...

Some party wear...and night wear...and etc..etc...he...choosed for her ..

Now Karan again' held her hand and goes too a some boots and sandels for her...

This time he choose all the things for her....

Because he knew it...if he'll say her then she'll only bring some items...

They ended their shopping...

And Karan pay with his black card...

Staff : sir your stuff will be reached at your house in within 15 mins...

They leave the mall...and reached to house...

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Take care 💕

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