I hugged everyone before they left, and now it's just me and my kids, Jareds parents, and as I already said, Farid and Paris.

"Hey, let's go into another room and talk about this, okay?" Mitsu asked me and Adam. We went into their room.

"I think it's sweet they want to do that. And honestly, we all called him Jared. I think they should go for it. Jiro is perfect." Mitsu said.

"They're naming that kid after our dead son, Mitsuki! Not only that, that kid won't have an identity of his own if they name him after a family member! Especially someone we cared for deeply for all those years! I'd get naming a kid after their grandpa or something, but this!? Someone who didn't get to live out their life? Someone who died way too soon and someone who people are still grieving over!" Adam said, very loudly. He was crying near the end of it. That was hard, it's weird seeing him cry.

"Hon, he's grieving too! Farid spent his whole childhood next to Jared! He's not doing this to hurt anyone! He's doing this to honor Jared!" Mitsu replied.

"Mitsu, OUR SON IS DEAD. HE DIED IN JULY. This is WAY to soon!" Adam yelled.

"Hey, do not yell at her!" I yelled back as I pulled him away from her.

"Keep your damn hands off of me!" Adam yelled at me as he shoved me to the ground.

"Adam, don't!" Mitsu said, quickly helping me up.

"Karma, you shouldn't even have a say in this! He wasn't even related to you!" Adam yelled again. That hurt.

"Adam..." Mitsu quietly said. After a few seconds of silence...

"At least I wasn't the one who made him want to kill himself over and over again." I replied. Adam stepped back a little.

"I was the one who he thought about every time he stopped himself from just ending it all. I'm the one he would run to and fall into my arms for comfort. All you did was mistreat him and physically abuse him!" I replied.

"W-what?" Mitsu asked, scared and surprised.

"You didn't know? Adam here used to hit Jared. Call him slurs and every name in the book." I said. Adam sighed and face planted.

"I-I knew him and Jared would argue when he was younger but...this? You used to hit Jared? What the hell is wrong with you!" Mitsu started to yell as she cried. Adam tried to explain and comfort her but he would just get pushed away. I just quickly walked out and I grabbed Rowan from Elle out in the living room.

"Come on Elle, Junji." I said as I headed for the door.

"Wait, is everything okay? We heard yelling." Paris asked.

"Fuck." I said under my breath, annoyed, "you know what, just name your kid whatever you want, okay? Don't let Adam make you feel bad for wanting to honor Jared. Just make sure that kid isn't always reminded about where his name came from, let him get his own identity. Mitsu agrees with me." I replied as I walked out the door. I got the kids in the car and went home.

"What were you guys yelling about?" Elle asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Was it about Uncle Farid's baby name?" She asked.

"....yes." I told her.

"What do you think about it?" She asked.

"I think it's okay. He wants to honor dad by naming his baby after him." I explained. I got them home and I immediately got everyone ready for bed.

I started to feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn't have left them like that. What if Adam hurt Mitsu? I should've stayed to make sure she's safe. Farid's there, but really, what would he do. He's scared of his dad too, while I, I am not. I'm not scared of Adam. Mainly because if he does anything to me, I can use my celebrity benefits to sue his ass and land him in prison, but honestly, I would never do that. I don't care if he hurts me. But I swear on my life if he hurts my kids or Mitsu, it's fucking on.

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