"Leave us alone," he growled, barely looking at her.

Narcissa was going to protest, but watching the death eater's look, she relented.

However, her instinct told her that she should pay attention to what was happening. There was something about Snape's angry behavior that wasn't normal. And what was that house-elf doing there?

He waited until Narcissa left the infirmary to close the curtains again.

Win climbed onto the bed, and rested her long hands on the Lady's forehead. Snape watched, arms crossed, as the house-elf worked her magic. If anyone could bring the woman back, it was her.


"Everything will be fine," Vaitiare explained to the teachers. "I will seduce Amycus, and he will be in charge of controlling his sister. Without the help of those two, the Lady will be left without support."

The plan did not sound crazy, and half of the faculty agreed with conviction. The other half, however, wondered why they were receiving such sudden help.

"Amycus is still in the infirmary, accompanied by his sister and surrounded by a security perimeter," McGonagall interjected, dryly. She and Vaitiare had looked at each other with hatred from the first moment.

"This way we can better plan what we are going to do," the veela did not reduce her smile one bit. "By the way, I miss another teacher. A... former death eater, from what I understand. Where is he?"

Dumbledore felt watched by the other teachers. Where was Snape? He hadn't seen him since he left his office angrily.

"I sent him away," it wasn't a complete lie, after all, and it served for the moment. The veela did not insist further, but her silver hair floated strangely.


Harry Potter was also looking for Snape. His last encounter with the professor had left him bewildered, and he wanted to know if he should prepare for some kind of revenge.
Looking on the Marauder's map, he found his name in the infirmary, a little away from the Carrows. He appeared to be next to someone named Hellen Smith.

Harry frowned, displeased. There were several students with the last name Smith, after all, it was a very common last name, but what the hell was Snape doing next to one of them? Would she be another victim of the Carrows? Was he trying to hide another of their crimes?

Silently, he covered himself with his invisibility cloak, and left the common room.

He moved stealthily through the hallways, avoiding the other students thanks to the map. Then, in the corridor leading to the infirmary, he encountered a person standing in his way.

Narcissa Malfoy paced back and forth, nervously scratching at the bandages covering her burned hand. She seemed very worried, and her erratic pacing made it very difficult to pass by her.

After a few minutes, the woman leaned against a window frame, covering her face with her hands. Her shoulders shook, as she cried.

Harry mustered up the courage to try to sneak silently behind her, but the sound of footsteps behind him made him stop.

"Mother, what is wrong?" Draco hurriedly approached her, worried. Narcissa wiped her face hastily, trying to hide her tears, but he wasn't fooled. "Why are you crying? Have they done something to you?" she shook her head, but took his hands.

"What are we going to do, Draco?"

"Don't worry, mother, everything will be fine," he replied. "When Potter pays for what he's done, we could–"

The Dark Lady (Severus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now