"She will not die. She is badly injured, but she will recover."

"But there will be consequences..."

That was what Dumbledore feared most, Voldemort's response when he found out that his most valuable subordinate had been injured. Maybe that's why he was so angry.

However, everything got worse when, a few hours later, Amycus entered his office, and was the victim of another cluster of explosions, caused by the mixture of several spells and an assortment of Weasley explosives.

Because of this, Dumbledore gathered the members of Dumbledore's Army in his office, and looked at them one by one, very serious and angry.

"Why?" he asked them. He was furious with them, even with Harry. His face no longer expressed its usual affable expression, but rather he bored into them with cold blue eyes. "You have put the school in danger, a greater danger than it already was. Why?"

"We had to try," Harry replied. Being the leader of the group, he felt that it was his obligation to stand up for the others. "We had to try to expel her from Hogwarts."

"You nearly killed her."

"But sir, she is the messenger from You-Know-Who," Ron intervened, as stunned as Harry.

"Precisely for that reason, what did you intend? Start the war early? Voldemort had simply sent her to manipulate the school, but that was something we could navigate. Now he could attack Hogwarts!" Dumbledore tried to breathe calmly, to control his anger. "Get out of here," he ordered, passing his withered hand over his eyes.

He was exhausted, after days of intense mental struggle against the Lady. That silent battle had taken its toll on him.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he saw Harry, who had not moved from his position and was looking at him angry and confused.

"I don't understand, professor. I have to face Voldemort sooner or later. That's what the prophecy says. Wouldn't it be better to do it without his daughter helping him?"

"It's too soon, Harry, you're not ready," Dumbledore avoided his gaze. "Not to mention that an attack on Hogwarts would endanger all the students, including your friends."

"When will I be ready?" Harry was not going to let himself be distracted so easily. He was also angry at the professor's evasive answers. "Why don't you tell me the truth? I'm the one who has to kill him. Don't you think I should have all the information?"

Dumbledore sent him a warning look, but Harry clenched his jaw, unwilling to budge. He was tired of being treated like a child. Finally, the headmaster sighed.

"The reason you can't face Voldemort yet is because I think he has something that could prevent him from dying if we don't act correctly."

"What do you mean? Does Voldemort have a weapon?"

"I'm afraid Harry, I still can't answer your question. I suspect that, due to his obsession with achieving immortality, Voldemort has taken steps to not be defeated so easily, but I haven't figured out what that is yet. Therefore, attacking him ahead of time would not only be suicide, but also stupidity," Harry felt subjected to the impassive X-ray gaze of the headmaster. "And for this reason, I ask you to act wisely and not continue with your avenging crusade. We are not ready to start the war yet. Tell me you understand, Harry," he demanded, without taking his eyes off him. The young man nodded reluctantly. "Go back to class, you've been distracted enough for today."

Harry prepared to obey, but before leaving through the door he turned again to ask something that was on his mind.

"Professor, when you know what Voldemort's weapon is, will you tell me?"

The Dark Lady (Severus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now