Chapter 10 - Talking with Oleg

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Beloborg, UnderworldMine

Sirin POV

Oleg asks Seele if we where we.

Seele turns to us, and introduces us to Oleg.

Seele: Ahh, them! They're outsiders that Sampo brought down from who-knows-where. They need a favor from Wildfire, so i brought them with me. It will be faster if they explain.

Stelle: Pleased to meet you. We're here to make friends with Wildfire.

Oleg smiles.

Oleg: Hah, it's been a while since i heard that anyone was pleased to meet anyone, haha. I won't forget you in a hurry. 

Sirin: "What an interesting person."

Oleg: Wildfire welcomes you all. So, all of you, went to all this trouble to find me. What do you need help with?

I explain to the chief of Wildfire about what happen on the above ground, and our mission to look for the Stellaron.

Seele: I didn't know you'd put on a show for the Overworld too. That's impressive.

Bella: We may have done that, but now it has put another trouble on our mission.

I nod, agreeing with Bella.

Oleg: Ho-ho, well this is new. Wildfire can barely take care of the Underworld, and now outsiders are looking for assistance from us. This "Stellaron" you speak of... i've never heard of it. But if it's a secret that even we locals don't know about then one name comes to mind.

Sirin: Are you thinking about Cocolia?

Oleg: The current Supreme Guardian is a liar who uses sweet words to decieve the Underworld. She's never cared about our survival - as Oleg continues to talk, Bronya interrupts him.

Bronya: Stop right there. I ....won't allow you to insult the madam guardian.

Oleg looks at Bronya, and changes to conversation to her.

Oleg: Miss Overworld, my words may be painful to you, but every one of them is true. Go out into the towns and hear for yourself. See how the people here suffer.

Bronya glares at the chief.

Bronya glares at the chief

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Bronya: ......

Oleg continues.

Oleg: I haven't gotten close to voicing the extend of the Underworld's grievances, young Lady. But i will respect your request. I will leave it at that, for now. - he looks at me again - Let's get back to the main topic. The name that came to my mind, was Svarog.

March: Huh...!? Isn't Svarog Wildfire's sworn enemy?

Bella: The big robot we saw a few minutes ago?

Dan Heng: Why would a mere robot in the Underworld have knowledge of important secrets?

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