Chapter 9 - Helping the Underworlders

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Underground City

Sirin POV

After saving both Seele and Bronya, i could see both, Stelle, Dan Heng, March 7 and Sampo coming to talk with us.

Seele: Spineless Thugs!

Sampo: Miss Seele! Phew, it's a good thing you showed up when you did. My heartfelt thanks. These vagrants have got some nerve looking for trouble in Wildfire Terri- 

Seele ignores Sampo and thanks me for the help.

Seele: Thank you for the help, we could have gotten injured if werent for you.

Sirin: There's no problem. - I extend my hand to give her a handshake. - I'm Sirin and the girl by my side is Bella.

Seele: Nice to meet you both.

Seele turns back and looks at Bronya.

Seele: I hear a Silvermane Guard is paying the Underworld a visit... is that you?

Bronya looks at me.

Bronya: She kidnapped me and brought me to the underground. What's the meaning of this?

Seele: Hmph. Listen to her. "What is the meaning of this?" . .. She still thinks she's an Overworld princess. Do you know what's become of us down here while you live the easy life? Did you even consider the fate of the Underworlders? - She says, angry at the Silverguard's captain.

Bronya: The Silvermane Guards aren't "living the easy life". We are constantly engaged with the enemy -  defending Belobog from the scourge of attacking monsters... and protecting all those above and below the surface. - she tries to defend herself.

Seele: Hah, do you even hear yourself? You? Protect the underground? Redeploying every Guard to the surface sealing off the only passageway... Protecting the so-called Architects, more like it.

Bronya: The Madam Guardian has her reasons... - she stuters a bit.

Seele: Hmph. -she scofs - Enough talk, you're coming with me. Chief Oleg wants to see you, and he's got more than a few questions.

Sampo gets on the conversation and says that the group was also looking for the so called Oleg.

Seele asks who are they, and after the Astral Express Group presentation and explain that we are looking for a Stellaron, who is the cause of the problems in this planet, they made their way to encounter the Chief.

Sirin: Ei!

Seele turns back.

Sirin: Can we go too? We made part of the Crew too.

Seele: Why not? But at the moment the Chief's busy, Wildfire's encountered trouble at the Great Mine, so if you want to find him, you need to come to the mine entrance.

We made our way to the entrance of the mine, and after Seele explain about the Situation, we made our way in.

We made our way to the entrance of the mine, and after Seele explain about the Situation, we made our way in

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