In Heat (Alastor x reader 🍋)

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Alastor and y/n were on a date to a local cafe that alastor favored. Y/n had a chocolate croissant and a tea cup full of jasmine tea sitting in front of her. She took a bite of the crumbly pastry, savoring the sweetness, but as she looked around while chewing, she saw someone look at her with disgust. Y/n wasn't the most petite girl in hell. In short, she was on the heavier side, usually getting odd looks and rude comments of passers by.

Since her and alastor started dating, though, she got less comments and looks when he was around. But when she was alone, they still came at full force. "are you alright my dear?" Alastor asked with a tinge of worry. "Oh yes, I'm fine." She said trying to seem as calm and indifferent as possible as she set her croissant down and took a sip of tea. "is the pastry not to your liking? I can get you a different one if you'd like?" He said, setting down his tea cup and grabbing her hand across the table. "No, that's actually the last thing I want right now." She said, tears welling in her eyes. Alastor had seen people do this to her before and it always worried her to death. She always thought he would follow suit one day.

"My dear? What is it? Did I do something?" He said, gripping her hand lightly. "No, you did nothing, it's just- there's a man over there that looked disgusted when I was enjoying my food." She said quietly, gesturing to the man across the room. Alastor stopped, no, froze. And then he disappeared. Y/n looked behind her and the man was gone without a sound. 10 minutes later alastor came back with a cool smile on his face. " That takes care of that. Why don't we go back to the hotel my love? " He said offering her an arm. " What did you do to him? " She asked confused. He had never been this possessive before.she got up and took the arm he offered. 

" Well I couldn't just let him get away with looking at you like that. He needed to learn that looking at lovely women like that is wrong. " he said with a tone of distaste. She was about to say that he couldn't just do that, but in reality, he could. They were in hell, after all. "I'd rather you not alastor." She said to him quietly. She had never seen him like this, usually he just gave them an unblinking smile and they stopped. She glanced at him shyly and his demeanor immediately softened, "I'm sorry my dear. I just hate it when people treat you so. But I won't do it again, if it happens again maybe I'll just break some fingers." He said, plastering a full grin back onto his face. She gave a light giggle and they started on their way to the hotel.

On the way their alastor had seemed much more possessive, like he thought everyone was out to get her, take her from him. He held onto her arm tightly, keeping her close to him. "Are you alright alli?" She asked looking up at him. "Oh I'm quite alright sweetheart, we just need to get back home!" He said happily, but with an edge of stress. She tried to ignore it until they got to the hotel. Alastor hastily took off her coat and quickly led her to their room, shutting and locking the door behind him. "Alastor? Is something wrong my love?" She asked, her voice dripping with worry. "Oh my dear, I'm alright I just need your help with something." He said slowly, almost sounding struggled. He faced the door, leaning his head against the red wood as he said, "my dear. I- well. I-" he choked out, not seeming to be able to find the words he needed. "Alastor what's gotten into you? " She says, her head swimming with what could possibly be wrong. "My darling, I need you to leave. I'm sorry, just relax in the parlor with the others and I will come and get you when I'm ready!" He said hastily like he had somewhere he needed to be or something he needed to do right that moment.

"Alastor? Did I do something?"

"No! No, my lovely! I just need some time alone to. . .collect my thoughts!" His voice was hesitant, but she trusted him, he might have just been over whelmed? She didn't know, but she was willing to wait to see what it was that vexed him so. Y/n left the room and went down to the parlor to see Angel Dust and Charlie talking with husk. Probably about something that didn't interest her. "Hiya toots!" Angel said, twiddling his fingers at her seductively. She ignored him and moved to the bar, sitting in one of the tall stools letting the leather deflate beneath her. "What's wrong with you?" Husk asked, taking a swig from his bottle labeled 'cheap booze' "don't tell me your still drinking that shit?" She asked, eyeing the bottle with distaste. "Well it ain't like we've got anything else! He said, gesturing to the wall behind him, full of shelves with the same bottle on them.

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