(Lucifer x fem!reader🍋) my dove~

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Lucifer was holding court, sitting in his six winged throne atop the dias with Y/n in his lap as his consort. He was wearing his usual suit if white with red accents, but without his hat this time. Y/n was clad in what Lucifer could only think of as lingerie. It was a red, shear fabric that went around the back of her neck, crossing just above her breasts and going around her back and tying in a bow in-between her shoulder blades. Then she had a embellished gold belt resting in her hips with two pieces of cloth hanging from either side of her to try and 'cover' her.

The fabric barely had any of her, you could see her peaked nipples right through the shear fabric. It made his blood boil to know he had to put on the fasad of 'using' her as his personal toy. What they had was far from using, he loved her, he would destroy all of hell and everyone in it to please her.

"What's wrong Luci?" She asked with a sultry smile so not to look suspicious. Lucifer rested his hand on the sweet curve of her plump waist and gave her a sly smile, "oh nothing dove, I just hate to treat you as my possession." He said sweetly but giving her waist a firm tug towards himself. Y/n giggled in response, "really love, I don't mind, I know it's for my own good." She turned to him fully so that the crowd couldn't see her face and gave him a beautiful, reassuring smile. Lucifer almost smiled back but caught himself. So instead, he gave her a deep kiss, saying all he needed to with his lips against hers.

When he broke the kiss Y/n gave him a giggle and he rested his hand on her hip, giving it a pat as he bounced his knee once. Twice. Making y/n's unbound breasts bounce wildly. She giggled and squealed, holding onto his shoulders for stability.

At this someone from the crowd looked at them and scoffed, mouthing the word 'whore'. "Do you have something to say sir?" Lucifer called out, dragging a hush over the crowd. The man had a look of something that knew it would die as he shuffled to the dias. As the small man stood before the stairs, Lucifer fluttered out his six wings and flared them. "I saw you had something to say to my beautiful consort?" He said, baring his teeth, his eyes turning red and his horns poking out of his hair.

"Well, my lord, I jus-" the man was cut off before he could finish his excuse. Lucifer had turned the imp into red and black dust, fluttering to the floor. "Your business here is done." He announced over the crushing silence. "Leave." He commanded. And the crow immediately shuffled out, leaving y/n and Lucifer alone in the sprawling court. But with a snap if his fingers they were in their bedroom, on a plush, red chair by the bay window. The room was tastefully furnished in red, black, and white. There were two rooms attached together. The bedroom and the sitting area. The bed room had the bed as the main center piece with four posters and a mirrored top, facing the bed so you could see yourself.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He said to her softly, wrapping his arms around her. She hugged him back, cradling his head in her arm, "it's ok Luci. I know you had to. To keep that mask for the court. It's ok." She whispered to him, stroking his hair. He strokes his hands down her back, over the cloth keeping her covered.

"Please take these off and change into something you enjoy wearing. I hate seeing you in court attire" Lucifer sighed as he pulled from the hug. Y/n got up from his lap, going to her dresser to change. Lucifer looked over as she struggled to reach the bow at her back. "Here dove," Lucifer said as he got up and strode to her. "Let me help you."

He grabbed the ends of the bow and pulled, the soft fabric sliding apart. It fell in front of her peaked breasts and he pulled the rest of the strip off the back of her neck, setting it on top of the black dresser. She turned around, facing Lucifer. Shirtless. He always flustered easily.

"Something wrong honey?" Y/n crooned looking at him positioning her hands behind her back so he could get a better view of her exposed chest. "Oh nothing at all. ~" he purred, wrapping his arm around her waist, using his other hand to rub his knuckles in idle circles on her rib cage. "Your a terrible tease you know that?" He said as he trailed up between her breasts and around her chest, torturously avoiding her nipples. His touch was agonizing and warm against the cold air of the room. "No I didn't actually know that." Y/n purred as she started rubbing idle circles on his chest with a finger. "Are you sure you want to start this?" Lucifer said back to her as his hand slowly ever slowly and toward her nipple her breasts becoming heavy and aching with each touch.

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