4. Where Is She?

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I know it's quite late for update... Hope you will enjoy this twist... If you like then please vote & comment.. Your one click encourage me for writing...

After two months of Aryan's birthday. Aryan & Imlie's friendship grows up very much. They care a lot for each other. They meet every evening at a cafe & then goes to their respective homes. They exchange texts a lot, a call every morning after waking up & video call before sleeping. They become habit of each other's. Even they started liking each other more than a friend. Yes they call each other's best friend. But they too unknown of their feeling of more than friend.

Aryan in weekend used to take her home. Narmada & Arpita also warm heartedly welcome Imlie. Because they never scene Aryan this close of anyone and that too a girl. Before Imlie come in their lives, Aryan used to run from girls and now he openly says that Imlie is her best friend. He become more expressive & soft after Imlie's appearance in their life.

Imlie & Aryan was supposed to meet today evening at cafe. Aryan finished his work & checked a time. It's time for his leaving. So he packed his stuff & left the office. He waiting for Imlie since half an hour at cafe. But Imlie didn't come yet. he tried to call her but her phone continuously switched off. Usually Imlie is very particular about time. Late word is not in her dictionary. Aryan thought that she must be busy or got some urgent work on the time and forgot to inform him. She must be late. So he waited for her. It's been two hours after that. Now he is hell worried about her. Her phone is also switched off since past three hours. So Aryan decided to go to her house. He informed his sister of his whereabouts & left for her house.

After 45 minutes Aryan reaches her home. but didn't find her there. Her home is locked. That means she's not at her home yet. He think she must be in some work but felt restless don't know why. but half heartedly goes home because it's almost dark outside. He skip the dinner & go straight to his room. He sent text to her that whenever she on her phone she will know about his calls. And then she called him back. He didn't sleep due to restlessness, something is not right. Imlie is not this careless. Infact she is perfect in every work. He was waiting for DAWN only.

Aryan got ready early in the morning and come in downstairs only to inform Arpita that he is going to find Imlie. Arvind is on a business trip to London. Narmada has gone to the temple in the morning, that is why only Arpita is at home. And Arpita knows that Imlie was missing from yesterday. So she nods & blinks her eyes to assure him. He went to the parking lot & sit on driver sit. Before starting engine he was remembering all the moments spent with Imlie. Aryan is hell worried about Imlie. He felt restless from night, felt unnecessary pain in his chest while remembering Imlie. But he is a big Ghonchu asusal. He don't know what pain he felt. He is Ghonchu because he doesn't even know he was missing her & hell worried about her because she is more than friend for him. She is the one whom he'll do anything stupid as well as dangerous things without even thinking once. He took a long breath & sighed, "Imlie". And finally started his car.

Aryan reached Imlie's home first. It's locked. He asked watchman whether Imlie went for work. But watchman told him that he joined his duty yesterday night after 10 pm. But till now Imlie not come for home. He knew something is off since yesterday. But exactly not knew what. He felt like he loosing something very big.

His instincts were always right. Be it on Papa's time or last night Imlie's time.

He was seventeen years old when his Papa died. The day he left, that day his final exam's last paper. But he didn't want to go. He felt restless that day too. The similar pain in his chest like last night. But his Papa forced him to go & he himself went with him to drop Aru to college. But when he dropped him to college & wished him the best, he felt like something is about to slip away. Papa met with a major accident while going home from college. And he died before Aryan could reach the hospital. He felt the same pain that day also. His instinct told him about danger. But he ignored it.

And also yesterday he felt restless, his instinct told him yesterday too but he again ignored it. And he waited for morning. In meantime he few times tried to call Imlie but her phone is switched off still.

Aryan reached Imlie's NGO. Before reaching here, he also checked Imlie's office. but he got nothing there. So here he is. He goes directly in director's cabin. Aryan asked about Imlie but director also don't know. Director called a meeting for everyone in the NGO and asked everyone about Imlie if anyone knows about her but no-one said yes. In meantime Aryan already involved Police in this. He directly called commissioner and told him about the situation. Commissioner assure him to give best officer for the case. They are on the way of NGO. They would come here any time.

Police arrived in NGO. Interrogation get started. Aryan personally there to be with Police. They found in interrogation that Imlie was in the Ngo till she disappeared. That means she disappeared from here. And that lead them to the conclusion that may be someone is from NGO is involved for Imlie's disappearance. They also tracked her phone. But her phone is continuously switched off. Before switching off, her last location is NGO basement. So they goes to the basement & searched there for a while & Aryan found Imlie's phone completely broken as if the phone has come under the tire of the vehicle. But in the basement, there is only one vehicle and that too parked on some distance. He goes near that vehicle & tried to look from window but it's window glass is shielded. Through the window, his own face was only visible to him, not that of the inside. It's a Omni car. Police unlocked & checked that car but not found any clue, so they left for search in other area.

Aryan is about to leave from there but he see something on that car's window. His eyes rested there confusingly for some time. He found someone watching them from hiding. And he remembered that same person's strange behaviour in interrogation. He found strange but he ignored it that time but now he understand. He clicked something in his mind & started moving towards police hurriedly.

After some time, He went to Inspector. Aryan looked calm now but his eyes like a volcano, blood shot red. He is so silent as if this should be the calm before the storm. He told something to inspector. Inspector nodded at him & immediately made a call.

Why Aryan is so calm? Is he found any clue about Imlie? What clue he found? Where is IMLIE?

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To Be Continued...🌸

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