But why did the Obsidian have to kill them?

"Any thoughts?" George asked.

"Who was the victim?" I asked. "At what occasion?"

he shrugged. "I only know as much as this paper tells me." He raised his eyebrows. "You know something?"

"Of course. Lee Know always knows..." I mumbled sarcastically.


"Nothing, I just said that I might," I bit my lip.

"Well, care to spill the tea?" George asked.

There was a shatter, then a splash.

"Oh my god! It's so hot!"

I raised an eyebrow at George. "Welp, my cue to leave. Thanks for the news!"


After the breakfast rush hour, I returned the dishes while Nana washed them.

"So, did George tell you the news?" She asked.

"The news? Yeah. 'Global Warming sucks.'"

She smiled but got serious again. "So another war huh?"

I kept my face emotion-free. "So another mission huh?"

Nana sighed. "Most likely. But nothing yet," she said before I could make the Lee know eye roll.

"I hope I get nothing. Or if it is something, it should be something like, 'Hey, I'm kidnapped. can you come pick me up?' That would be easier."


"I know, I know, I just want something that doesn't have to do with the North or West."

"Well, you can't be so picky..."

"My business is doing just fine with me being picky."

Just then the phone rang.

You've got to be kidding me.

I grabbed the phone before Nana could. "Hello?"

"Hi, may I talk to Ms. Yang please?" said a man's voice.

"Who is this?"

"I need to talk to her. This is urgent."

"Who is this?" I asked again.

The man over the phone sighed. "I'm here to give her a flower."

The way he phrased that must mean...

He is a Center.

"And what does the neutral Rose want something from Ms. Yang?" I questioned.

"Sweetheart?" Nana yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh my god, is she there? If she is, just give her the phone, okay?" The guy's voice got a pitch higher.

"You need to answer my question."

"Um, I don't know who you are, but just give her the fucking phone?"

"You sassy ass-mph!" I struggled as Nana covered my mouth.

"Mmugrph!" I said as she yanked the phone out of my hand.

"Oh hi, how are you?" her face brightened as The Rose guy happily chirped over the phone nonstop. "Yeah- oh, I'm so sorry about that."

"See-" (She SIGHED) "She isn't the best at dealing with people verbally. She's better with - yeah, yeah... I know... And so I've heard." She paused longer this time and turned to me saying, "He wants you to bring someone back."

Okay, so this is karma.

"Okay, I can kill them easily, who is it?"

"You're not to kill them."

"WHAT?" I yelled. "Why not?"

"The Rose doesn't want to get involved in any sort of war, so they need to make sure you get the right person," She said.

I sighed. "I'm an assassin, not a kidnapper," I said, exasperated. But she wasn't listening at all. "Lemme talk to him."

"No, you already had your chance," Nana said.

"But this is work- my work. It's different now." I put my hand out.

The Rose guy also chirped something over the phone.

She sighed. "All right," And handed me the phone.

I took a deep breath. "Hi again."

"So, will you take it?" This Rose guy isn't hesitating.

"I need more information," I said.


"I said, I need. More. Information." I repeated.

He sighed.

"Fine. Come to the Central Palace by 11 o'clock." Tell the guards Mr. Park sent you."

"Central Palace by 11. Got it." I said.

"Don't be late." He ended the call.

"I'm going to get more info," I called out to Nana.

"Okay– will you be back by dinner? I'm making chicken alfredo," She asked. Always so kind.

"No, I don't think so, but I'll be okay!" I looked at the clock. It was already past 10:30.

That bitch.


I wonder who this Rose guy is... .ಠ_ಠ.

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See you next time!

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