Chapter 9: Jennie the vampire

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Three days passed since that night with Jennie in the cell, nothing really happened, after Jennie smiled at her she just told Lisa to continu eating and then their routine came back as if nothing happened, Lisa's wound kinda healed so it was not hard to hide it. 

Instead, she just spent all her day with Jennie who was weirdly calm most of the time, no more threat nor harsh word, instead she just tell Lisa what to do or just tell her that she could rest a bit if she wanted to. 

Lisa found her behavior strange but as long as she doesn't kick or punch her again, Lisa was fine by it... until one day, Jennie suddenly decided to help her with the chores, when Lisa asked why, Jennie told her that she was bored by just watching. 

Weirdly enough it felt like they got a bit closer but Lisa didn't dare to question anything, from what happened last time when she did. So she just let it go.

-"I think we are done here" -Jennie said when they finished mopping the floor of the main entrance, Jennie wasn't sweating like Lisa but she sure still felt the heat. Lisa watched as Jennie slowly took off the black shirt she was wearing and bringing up her hair in a bun to feel less hot. Lisa glupped at the sight. 

-"Monsters can be hot I guess" -Lisa whispered without knowing that Jennie heard her, she slightly smirked and looked at Lisa, proudly showing off her abs, Lisa almost couldn't take off her eyes from Jennie's belly but she did, she looked away blushing.

-"Since we are done, how about a small pause?" -Jennie asked and Lisa nodded. -"What would you like to do?" 

Lisa thought for a moment and then she proposed Jennie to go for a small walk in the forest, Lisa really didn't wanna stay in the cell again. Jennie agreed without saying anything, She went out while stretching and Lisa followed her behind. 

Hum feels like deja vu -Lisa thought but didn't put a mind to it. 

They took a small walk and then Jennie sense tingled when she felt something coming toward them, Lisa looked curiously and watched as another bunny popped out of nowhere. Okay, is this a coincidence? Lisa hoped for that option because she didn't want another episode of being punched in the face. 

Once again Jennie moved really fast to catch it and Lisa looked away not wanting to see Jennie eat it again but instead she flinched when she felt Jennie next to her, holding the animal tenderly in her arms. 

-"You didn't want me to kill it right? wanna pet it?" -Jennie asked calmly and Lisa was surprised by her behavior but decided to pet the animal and a smile broke her face, it was so soft!!! Jennie smiled watching her and decided to sit down followed by Lisa. 

Now they were sitting across each other with the rabbit in the middle not moving. Lisa took it on her lap and it relaxed immediatly, it smelled Lisa's hand and Lisa let out a giggle. Jennie watched her with no expression on her face as if examining her and when Lisa looked up at Jennie. The vampire decided to speak.

-"You are surely wondering, what is wrong with my sudden change of behavior?" -Jennie asked and pet the rabbit too who suddenly stopped moving. As if scared. 

-"K-kind of..." 

-"Hum, I would too if I was you" -Jennie smiled a bit and Lisa couldn't help but find that smile beautiful... Okay, yeah, that's a bloodsucking monster right there but she got a very pretty face.-"I just feel really good lately so I am not in any mood to get angry" 

-"What...what happened?" -Lisa had the courage to ask.

-"Hum..." -Jennie looked at Lisa in the eyes and then gave a small smile. -"something sweet happened" 

-"I see" Lisa looked back down on the rabbit and pet it too. Jennie's eyes followed down Lisa's exposed neck almost licking her lips but took a deep breath and looked away. It wasn't time yet...

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