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I stood there for some time, trying to come up with a plan on how am going to handle this cause now it sure seems like I can't ignore it anymore

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I stood there for some time, trying to come up with a plan on how am going to handle this cause now it sure seems like I can't ignore it anymore. I sat down on the waiting bench to take a long breath in, the thought of Mia having a boyfriend makes me sick.... it's hard to ignore but I have to try and put my head on the matter that's troubling me the most. A few minutes went passed like a light I didn't even realise it was getting dark, I forced myself to get up and start heading home, my head was a mess the first thought that comes to my mind is to stalk Mia's father. It's not a bright idea but right now I could use any ideas my mind offers, but I also need to keep a close eye on Mia.

The street was dead the only cars that keeps passing by are only taxies, usually I happen to ignore everything around me , everything that surrounds me but my heart was beating fast and a little fear that's creeps up on me forces me to find a little distraction or anything to escape my evil thoughts , I don't know if I should blame all this on me or blame it all on god for getting me for all those people I killed. I told and promised myself am going to be different this year and I will try anything to not hurt anyone but my fear for being exposed makes me want to break that promise.

I looked up and take a look at my surrounding one more time then I started running, the idea was to try and force myself to think about anything else rather than my past but I wasn't on complete control of myself but one thing I know is that If I can run fast enough I can turn my focus on my body which will be more than good. I pinked up my speed and it was working, I was more focus in increasing my speed then on my head, After a few more runs I arrived and it looks like those morning runs with Mia in the past have benefited me and increased my stamina a bit which was the first improvement I made I have ever done. I quickly locked the door and went straight to my room to switch my pc on.

I went to Mia's facebook profile and creeped around trying to find her family members. After looking for about 20 minutes or more I finally came across his fathers profile but it was way too formal and even normal, there were pics of their family and his dead wife but the account looked like it hasn't been active for some time and it looked fake, I wasn't convinced at all. I stood up and try to think about it for some time and then decided that if I can't find anything on him online the only best way is to stalk him in real life. It's going to be hard considering I have to at school and Mia's father is a uniform cop, so he is always going around in a car and I don't have a license am even too young to own one.

Which leaves me with only one thing to do , I should break into his house while he is at work and Mia is at school and try to find whatever that could prove he has something to do with the hard drive, but I hope I find nothing. I switch my pc off and throw myself on the bed. My thoughts started to unfold and there is little I can do to stop them now and considering am not feeling tired enough to fall asleep meant if am not keeping myself busy I should do the only thing I do to deal with pain. I took my razor blade and went for the upper part of my arm and made a little deep cut. The pain was enough to turn my focus to it and as I keep my finger on the wound to make sure it keeps hurting, I noticed I am starting to feel dizzy and I didn't fight it even if the pain was slowing fading away, I quickly realised I couldn't feel my hands anymore, i got as i realised what was happening to me. 

As I lay there, the room closing in on me, I felt the consequences of my tumultuous journey. The questions that had haunted me, the elusive truth I sought about the missing hard drive—all of it seemed to dissolve into the shadows.

The fading twilight cast a poignant light on the remnants of my encounters—with Mia, my mysterious mother, and the troubled Frank. Their stories intertwined, leaving threads of unresolved mysteries in the quiet spaces. The hard drive, a silent spectator on the kitchen table, guarded its secrets with an impenetrable silence.

As my consciousness waned, I couldn't escape the realization that my search had reached an untimely end. The echoes of choices made reverberated in the stillness, and I thought of my mother as my vision faded. The memories of her cryptic messages, the enigmatic tales she left behind—did she hold the key to the secrets that eluded me?

THE MAN BEHIND MY MINDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora