Chapter 2

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As I walked from the bathroom I noticed Frank's room was closed , looks like he was the one who slammed the door but it doesn't make sense I mean he already told me about my mom but if he still acting this way something tells me there still something more he is hiding or maybe he doesn't want to be here in the first place but being here should be good for him considering that he doesn't have a job and his parents kicked him out for doing drugs this should be more that generous to him . I decided I should just leave him alone for now cause right now the main priority is to go and meet Mia. I wonder what's so important that she has to tell me about I mean we don't talk that much and when we do it's only during the runs which happens about once a week. A year ago when I started joining her I was more focused in stalking her and even planning to rape and kill her but my mom keeping a close eye on me made me to drop that plan and I started to like her and as time moved on I started to hate myself even more and decided to leave my old ways , it wasn't easy to do that I don't know if I really left them considering the things I keep in my hard drive even if those things help distracted me from getting back my hunger still builds up inside me and not having anyone I can talk to or anyone that can make me feel like am a human made me to stick to Mia and follow her a bit . It gave me a sense of purpose or let me say a reason to be alive and to keep living my life so knowing am going to meet her drives me a little crazy.

I started running as soon as I left the house, I know I was going to be a bit early, but I didn't care I cared more about doing whatever I can from keeping my mind occupied and running made me think about Mia and how talking to her during those runs made me feel. It's a feeling I never knew I can feel or can be felt by a unlucky person like me who lives in his own hell. I was starting to get a little tired from running at a fast speed, but I was so damn close to the bus stop where she said we should meet. I stop for a bit to catch my breath and after a few seconds I started to walk slowly looking at my surrounding , I saw a small boy who looks like he is somehow 8 years old holding his father's hand, he seems happy and innocent and his father had a grey white hair wearing sport cloths , they look like they are taking a walk and as his kid was laughing and kept saying "dad look my uncle have the same car that women driving " and his father responded with small laugh I felt jealous and sad at the same time , I never got the chance to have what that kid have I hope my childhood was just as innocent as that kid looked. I felt a tear on my right cheek, and I quickly putted my hands on my face to clean it , I started running I wanted to get back to thinking about Mia again but that beautiful thoughts seems to have been lost. I was a few mitres away from the bus stop now and to my surprise I saw Mia standing there she looked like she was on a call.

I reduced my pace as I got closer, she was facing at the opposite direction from where I was coming from so if I be quiet enough as I approach her I can eavesdrop a little a hear who and what she is talking about, but she quickly turned to my direction and noticed me, the smile on her face quickly faded away as she saw me approaching.

" hi there " I said looking down trying to not show my excitement and smile " you ok Leo, you look a bit hard to read " she said still keep a straight face and she looked like she wasn't going to sit down looking at how she is standing " am fine , I have nothing to worry about" I lied as I was looking at her face trying to read it and hoping I can find a little interest in her eyes but they looked empty and emotionless " if you say so, look Leo I have something huge to tell you and am going to make it quick since my dad has been calling and asking me where am at so am hoping you could just listen and try not to interrupt me, is that cool?" I can tell she is dead serious but I felt a little disappointment because I had hoped we could have a normal conversation , am dying to have a normal conversation with her "ok shoot am going to try my best to listen " I hope it's nothing to do with me , I don't know how in the world this can be about me but my heart jumping tells me something is up " Friday I didn't go to school, my father said we are going to have spend all night at the church in Saturday so I stopped by your place leave to tell your mother to let you know am going to miss our morning run" she then continue giving me a chance to say anything " she said I should wait in your room she was having some kind of episode so I gave her some space and waited for her to do whatever she was doing and waited in your room" I was confused a little by what am hearing and then she kept going " my dad was calling and asked me to stay with my brother while he go to grab some food for the trip at the local shop, so I borrowed your hard drive cause I wanted to watch something cause our tv is boring as fuck and you look like a guy who watch cool movies I remember the ones you used to tell me about during one of our runs ". My heart was starting to beat fast again and it felt like I can't feel myself or my hands , I noticed it's getting hard to breath as the this came as a shock to me , her out of all people I mean never even thought I could find out this way and not to mention I have been ignoring it for almost all the time now , busy reflecting on my past and ...." Hey are you listening to me " she said In a tone I never heard her use before " yes am with you am just trying to make sense to what you're telling me that's all but go on am all ears " I quickly said drawing my attention back to her " so I took it with me but didn't get the chance to watch anything as my boyfriend called and I left it in my room near my laptop and went outside to talk to him but my brother but am not sure it's him since I asked him many times and still got nothing out of him so am sorry even now I can't find it "

I was a bit scared and confused at the same time, I started to panic "what about your father? " I asked in a worried voice " I don't know but there is a chance it could've been him cause I didn't notice he was back just saw him coming from his room saying he is going to cancel the trip"  I knew I was fucked from what she is saying looks like her father is my prime suspect but that doesn't explain everything cause I found it in my kitchen table which makes me question myself if Mia didn't tell h.." hey am right here talk to me , you seem like you're thinking a lot " she interrupted the little conversation I was having in my head " yes sorry again but your father didn't say anything that could have pointed something about the hard drive ?" I asked hoping she might say no " no like I said if I knew he took It I could have asked him where it is so let me keep looking for it alright" I didn't say anything to that it's better to keep her in the dark for now " am going home it's getting late " she said and quickly walked away not giving me a chance to say goodbye , I wanted to ask her about my mother but it was too late now .Her walking away and the way she talked kind of told me she was in a real hurry and wanted to finish and go but her not mentioning her father in this kind of worries me I don't know if she lying to me or not, but something tells me she is and if she is it would make sense cause her father is a cob.

The way she just ended the conversation without letting me ask her any other questions also makes me suspect something is really wrong, I mean if she is lying to me about this and is working with her father it drives me to the other question which is who putted the hard drive on my kitchen table? , that's a question my stupid brain don't have the answer for so it makes me want to put more effort into this and get to the bottom of it as fast as I can . I stood there and watch her as she disappears from my view and into the fading light of the setting sun.

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