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I woke up to the doorbell and a rumbling stomach. I quickly skipped to the door to find no one there. For a moment I expected dogzilla (I really needed to give him a name now) to be the one who rang the bell; for nothing was above him. He had knocked the back door the first time, who knew if he had upgraded a little since then.

But then my dream echoed back into my brain and I remembered that the doorbell had rang five years ago.

I looked up at the sky from the doorway. It was already morning. I had fallen asleep on the couch without as much as a bite of food yesterday. And my stomach was rumbling. Again.

I closed the door and quickly freshened up before locking the house and walking outside. My phone was almost dead so first I bought a much needed charger. Then I walked off to buy some pizzas. And then I walked back home. All that walking had exhausted me so I collapsed on the couch and binged watched Harry Potter while eating my pizza.

And that made a very nice morning in many a days for me. No screaming mums or no devilish dads. Aahh.. Heaven.


I went for a walk in the evening.

And I did walk on that walk.

Like my legs totally oscillated together, whatever that means.

And the reason for this miracle was to find doggie-dodger; who'd been dodging me since the whole launching incident. I walked in the park but my eyes never met his fur as they strayed in his search. What they met, however, stopped me in my tracks. It was Hayden again, sitting on my bench and reading the same physics book from yesterday. Before I knew it, my legs had carried me to him.

"That's my bench." I mumbled out the only thing that came into my mind to capture his attention. I face-palmed mentally as his eyebrows rose above his forehead but his eyes didn't even stray from the book

"And?" He as if mocked me.

"And you're totally welcome."

He didn't even reply to that and kept sucking the life out of that poor book. He wouldn't even look at me, and though I saw a mirror every morning, it was still a bit insulting. He hadn't even left enough space beside him for me to squeeze into. This was simply outrageous. I would- I would...


I merrily smiled as his eyes widened to the size of something very wide and very very circular and very very very beautif-freaking wide. Yes... Not...not beautiful at all, like come on, whoever heard eyes being beautiful? I call shit.

He made to snatch the phone out of my hand but I simply danced out of his reach. He glared shitholes at me with those amber-golden eyes of his. I waited for some grumbling gnk sound to escape his throat but no such luck.

"Delete that photo, or I swear I'll-" Poor boy couldn't even finish a sentence before being interrupted.

"- send this to each and every student whose number I possess." Nevermind that I didn't possess a single student's number. I mean, I've been asked for my number many a times, trust me, but you know what a simple and shy girl I am, and hence having always declined giving away my number, I possess none. And whoever told you that liars tend to explain their lies, is a liar.

"You wouldn't dare." He grumbled as he got up. Funny how he knew me more than me. But I wasn't gonna tell him how right he was.

"Wouldn't I?" I smirked as the photo of him studying danced on my screen along with me. You might ask why was he so against anyone knowing he studied? Well, the answer was simpler than the index of the said book, he was the resident bad boy. I was astonished myself when I saw him in the library yesterday with a book in his hands.

Hayden was famous for never studying and always achieving passing marks and always scraping through classes. Everyone knew that he hated studying, even while having a perfect attendence. He came to school and sat in some classes, but never paid any attention. Though he was not the bully or druggie type of bad boy, but he actually counted as one of those cool kids. His record was clear and sometimes I doubted how he actually got the bad boy tag.

But his facial expressions didn't disappoint in that department right then, as his jaw clenched and his eyes popped out. I could almost imagine nerves popping out of his neck too. He reached for my phone again but I snatched back my hand, unfortunately though, my wrist got caught in his vice grip. He pulled me by my wrist and I smashed into him, loosing my balance by the sudden pull, which caused me falling on top of him on my poor pure bench. It's purity probably ruined forever.

His amber eyes held me captivated for a moment while I smiled, before I was pushed off very gently (ignoring the loud 'oof' that left me from that very gentle push). I fell even more gracefully on the grass with a very un-loud thud and my ass merrily exclaimed while expressing it's appreciation for such a soft landing.

"Ow!" I chirped happily as I slowly got back onto my feet, just to find Hayden with my phone in his hand. After a few clicks, he threw it back to me and thankfully, the phone didn't had to endure that very graceful fall, as I, the kindest angel to ever set foot on this ball of dust, happily sacrificed my face as a speed breaker.

"Double ow!" Someone exclaimed loudly. Damn, some people were really annoying, making such loud noises in public places and disturbing other people. I nodded in understanding at the people who were currently glaring at the abomination and would've even suggested a measure against such offenders if it wasn't for their object of glaring being me.

I got back up again, (the phone which had just smooched my nose very affectionately had swept me off my feet too as a bonus), rubbing my nose which was still suffering from the after-effects of such love shown to it. My phone now safely tucked in my pocket, I glared at the evil spawn of the devil of pain. He smiled a very expressionless smile at me, his eyes cold, and opened his mouth to say something, probably to applause me for such a great show, but I held up one hand as I dusted my sweatpants with the other.

"No need to apologize. I was just joking. Do you really think I would've sent that to anyone, setting you on my ass?" I said, not backflipping from my word at all.

He grunted and took off immediately with the book clutched in his hands.

The fuck?

I mean.. He could've still apologized. Even if not for pushin-ehem! gently manoeuvring me off him, then for smackin-EHEM! giving me a kiss with my phone! Damn him.

I made my way back home, completely forgetting about the reason I came out, which wasn't to get insulted originally, mind you!

But whatever... He was lucky I wasn't one to overthink things; I thought as I laid in bed that night, thinking why he was in my neighborhood after all?

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