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The moment I woke up, I could feel the cold lingering in the surrounding atmosphere. Not the one you feel in your heart or refrigerator but the one you feel in someone's silence. I could feel the explosive energy of my momma's anger with it. It was in the air.

I got up and after a quick wash up, opened my bedroom door and walked out. And there were my oldie folks waiting for my arrival at the dining table. My mom's face was an alarming shade of red and my step-pop was calmly enjoying his morning coffee. He looked to be in an almost good mood. What blasphemy!

I hoped against hope that this wasn't about the puppy pooper outside. If he was still there, that is. Hopefully, my mom was still angry about yesterday. As I took a step inside the room, two pair of contrasting eyes met mine. One was a fuming pair of ocean blue orbs and another a calm soothing brown. My own soft blue orbs were downcast. No-not from shame. I have a reputation to keep. It was from the concern for the little buddy that I was showing a made up remorse.

"Astrid-" My father-by-clashing-relations stopped my mother-by-unworthy-blood mid sentence with a raised hand. Someone was getting all dictatorial.

"It's alright Alicia. She's a kid. And kids make mistakes. What is wrong is that they should learn from those mistakes and try not to do them again and she did. If you had pranked once Astrid, no one would have minded that much. But you seem to have made a habit out of it. And that calls for severe actions. "

Oh, so my pretty puppy was safe. Okay. Bye bye my made up remorse. This was about pranks now.

"I tried not to do them again, I really did. But you have never seen your face's colour when you wake up with bleached hair. It's your mistake really. You inspired me to keep trying until your face reached the perfect shade of purple."

My step-daddy's calm persona was breaking. He smiled at me through a clenched jaw. "Astrid, is there a certain reason you so badly enjoy these tricks of yours? "

"Are you really asking me that right now?" My voice changed after hearing that one sentence, from soft to furious. He was outta his mind. Did he really dare ask this? And pretend he didn't know the answer already. He broke my perfect family, broke my mom, and broke my whole world in front of my eyes and he still didn't know the certain reason. Ha! Talk about delulu people.

"You are the reason! You tore apart my family. And now expect me to accept you like a long lost father! You have my mom wrapped around your-"

Just wanted to mention that what I spoke wasn't a sexual innuendo at all and whoever thinks otherwise, that's my mom and a bitchy but still an elder I'm speaking to, you silly people.

"-pinkie. She cannot see you for what you really are. You want me to stop these tricks. I will. Just leave me and my mom and never come back. I'm sick of pretending that you are bearable, for my mom. I love her but you...you are not welcome. " My throat mewled with pain as I stopped shouting hoarsely and left the house with a bang.

I am so fucking pissed right now. I could rage into a battleground and wipe out charging armies.. But thankfully... That's not an option. But seriously! That psychotic bastard! He thinks ruining my life is not a worthy reason for the anger filled inside me. I swear if it wasn't for hot FBIs and smoking officers, he would be dead asap.

I walked towards the park in an anger-filled daze. It was hardly seven in the morning and there were already many people jogging around while the older people hogged the gardens. I went to sit on my soul-bench-sister when the old people lining in the garden laughed a sudden booming laugh with their hands lifted upwards and necks tilted. I jumped because of the sudden assault on my senses. It almost scared me to death but also fully inspired me to ask them the recipe of this spooky snickering.

Being My Own LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora