A Slayer and The Hound

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The pair of grand, crimson coloured doors sealed behind Vox Machina just as the room began to fill with the empty sounds of idle chat between the nobles lined either side of the stretching mahogany dining table topped with neatly arranged silverware and plates topped with neatly folded napkins. Silently, the intrepid protectors of the realm reluctantly took their seats, facing toward the trio of those guilty of ripping everything both Percy and Ragnvaldr alike had ever known apart at the seams. Without so much as a word, while Delilah and Sylas uttered quietly to none but themselves Percy moved not an inch, as his fractured gaze barred into their none existent souls. His anger slowly rising as he sat mere inches from the Lord and Lady responsible for the massacre of his family, a chance at revenge moments away.

Meanwhile Ragnvaldr, sat between both the shaking De Rolo and the composed Raven haired Half-Elf, fighting with every fibre of his being not to leap over the table and end the dead eyed Elvish man's life there and then. For years he had waited. For years he had planned, dedicating most of his life to hunting the prey now layed before him, once more ripe for the taking. Yet just before his soul could be shrouded in an unquenchable blood thirst, a supple though strong hand fell upon his bouncing leg, stopping the limb dead still.

Instantly his heavy, heaving breaths ceased as his expressionless face contorted ever so slightly while his tense muscles seemingly collapsed in on themselves, relaxing at the touch of the woman next to him. Tearing his steely gaze from his soon to be victim, Ragnvaldr darted his eyes sideward to discover Vex's perfectly manicured hand gripped as far as it possibly could around his muscled thigh. Comfortingly squeezing trying her most desperate to calm the furious Oldegårdian, trusting Percy enough to control his unstable self while she silently begged them both not to do a thing until her brother returned with information.

Suddenly, the Sergeant-at-arms standing tall by the closed doors knocked the butt of his pointed spear against the floor. "Attention please be given to our Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei the third, and Empress Salda Tal'Dorei." Steadily moving to stand, the banquets guest pushed from their chairs as quietly and respectfully as possible.

Keyleth being the first of Vox Machina on her feet, knowing the significance of whom she was in the presence off, straightened her stiff posture and placed both hands a top one another just as Lady Allura beside her had. Although, as the guests watched both the Emperor and Empress strut through the tall doors arm in arm, and glide toward the two empty seats beside Aymon. Allura's pleasant expression once again, contorted in abject fury as she turned and caught sight of the rest of Vox Machina's complete disinterest in the proceedings.

All seemed arrogant to what was going on right in front of them, with Grog idly darting his head around the room, mouth agape in absolute awe of the luxury that stood tall around him. Beside the dumbfounded Goliath, Pike had one of the silver spoons held up to the burning light of the hanging chandeliers candles examining it as closely as she could. All while Vex, still with one hand beneath the table, clutched tightly around Ragnvaldr's thigh pinched the expensive silver plates edge between her fore finger and thumb, quietly trying to determine the crockery's price for future 'acquisition'. Finally, seated by Percy's right closest the Druid was Scanlan, his eyes directed toward the other guests as he downed the already full wine glass laid out before him.

Mortified, by her comrades in arms actions Keyleth let out a tiny, hideously nervous squeak as the party finally realised what needed done as they all pushed their chairs loudly from the table, enough to break Percy from his enraged trance and stood to their feet. However, Vex had to quickly lock her much smaller arm with Ragnvaldr's and all but yank the bloodthirsty Oldegårdian to his feet just as the husband and wife passed by their realms protectors.

Still, Percy both did little to hide his discontent as the noble twisted his head ever so slightly to lock his gaze once more upon the Briarwoods, watching with absolute disgust as the darkly dressed Lord and Lady respectfully bowed to both Uriel and Salda when they took to the seats at their side. The simple action indicating for those attending the banquet to sit as well.

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