dictator surprise

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Monday March 15th, 2029 in megasoza city, paldea region during 9:15 am: naranja academy

Entrance hall in upper level with Reiner talking to two students at right side of library for a moment until.

"Master Braun."

They stop talking to turn around to see dictator clavell, Mr. Jacq, solon, and tusky husky approach them as mr. Jacq said to Reiner with surprise, "congratulations Reiner, you will be joining Steve Stone and three other students going to kitakami on Friday through Monday for first time in outdoor studying  being held by naranja academy." Reiner happy for going to kitakami from outside of paldea with his friend and three students on Friday through Monday for outdoor studying and he said to them with surprise, "that's mean I catch more pokemon over there."

Solon: "of course my dear boy. Maybe two or three pokemon you want."

Tusky husky: "yup."

Dictator clavell: "and five people will join you and the group at kitakami as chaperones."

Naranja academy male student#1: "who's five people will be joining them."

Dictator clavell: "meta knight & nobara from section 27, spitfire blaze from section 46, sergent chistose from section 33, and mai kawakami from section 33."

Naranja academy male student #2: "Sgt's girlfriend join section 33 since when?"

Solon: "since two months ago to sign up as wild tera pokemon catcher and her partner is haxorus along with hisuian avalugg, solrock, and raichu."

Reiner: "not bad."

Dictator clavell: "they will have meeting at pc principle office with pc principle and captain Yvonne going to give them information about kitakami any minute."

Solon: "you said it sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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