Chapter 27: Tales of the Lost Otherworlder

Start from the beginning

Regardless, Wenlianna is not a particularly superstitious person. She understands magic has many capabilities beyond natural limits. However, the future is something dubious at best. To believe one can clearly see the future, and then alter it, is to assume one can move all of the water out of the ocean. Physically, it should be possible, but it isn't practical in the slightest. There is nowhere to put the water of the ocean. And, likewise, there is nowhere to put all of the possibilities of the future and claim with certainty that it can be controlled in any meaningful way. The premonition is either accurate, but unpreventable in the sense that doing nothing could just as likely have caused it as doing something. Perhaps the Demon Queen would have been the one to attempt a divine summoning if the kingdom hadn't. Perhaps the Empire. Perhaps it could have been spontaneous. If Daniel or Rikuto actually are the subject of the premonition, then their hostility could be easily rationalized, having been yanked to this world out of the blue with no obvious way to return to their world. If the premonition is depicting Daniel or Rikuto, it's a rod of their own making for the world that dragged them in.

Knock knock knock.

Wenlianna jumps a little, pulled from her ponderings by a knock at the door. She states with her dulled tone, "Enter..."

The door opens, revealing the head maid. She bows, stating, "My Lady, the Grand Duchess has asked for you to come to the reception room."

"What is it?" asks Wenlianna, her once-vibrant personality dulled by the absence that grows heavier by the day.

"She would not say. She instructed me to inform you, my Lady, that she will be perturbed if she has to come get you herself."

Wenlianna sighs. Once upon a time, she and her mother had a rather benign neglect for each other. Wenlianna has never been a noble at heart; she's a scientist and a dreamer. Daniel's arrival, specifically, exacerbated her proclivities towards reclusive behavior in her research. And, her mother allowed all of it. Powerful mages can circumvent many of the stigmas and drawbacks to maturing beyond the normal marrying age in most cases, or they end up never seeking marriage and children to begin with. Knowing she could never stop her eldest daughter's obsession, Aramellianna stayed out of her way, and even enabled her.

But then, since Wenlianna's retirement from the Royal Court and Daniel's arrival at the estate, Aramellianna has been more insistently more intrusive into Wenlianna's day-to-day. Though, the spirit of her obsession has definitely lowered, so...

The young former Court Magic Artisan sighs. She has no reason to object. She wasn't doing anything productive anyways. Most of her current projects are either on hold or 'cooking' themselves, such as diamonds, which take time to form while under the appropriate conditions. She's been making a mix of large and small diamonds of blue and white, making magic crystals and jewelry as appropriate.

Wenlianna makes her way into the reception room of the estate, where messengers and guests are generally guided to for making announcements to the Grand Duchess and her family and retainers. She curtsies politely in her lab smock, as there's an audience that isn't just her mother and sisters. "Grand Duchess, please excuse the delay."

Aramellianna waves her over casually, "Drop all that and come over here, Wenlianna. There's something we need you to look at."

Wenlianna nods obediently and walks over. The apparent soldier of the Stalvaltan Reconnaissance Corps, 'Wyrmeyes', presents an object to Wenlianna. Her eyes widen. Daniel left his 'cell phone' behind and had shown her how to operate it. She's still translating his language, and it appears there are more than just a single language present on his device, but as long as she keeps it charged and doesn't break it, it is a precious source of wisdom.

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