Chapter 11

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(This might not connect to the middle chapters I'm talking 5-6 where there in slendermans mansion so ignore that as they was made In 2021 and will not be changed for memory reasons!! I think you just need to pay attention to the recent ones imo as I linked them to them.)

I CANT use the italics or bold fonts..

"Aah" I groan out, in deep pain I couldn't bare to look at him. I move my hands infront of my face covering it, slightly wiping the tears threatening to fall.

I feel him pick me up over his shoulder grunting as he did so. "I'm not that heavy." I grumble, "the fuck did you just say to me" he says stopping in his tracks. I ignore him, the colouring draining from my face, scared to speak up incase of the deadly consequences. My fate is in this serial killers hands.

"Oh so now you wanna go all silent hm?" He drops me onto the soft wet leaves with squelching mud beneath.
I cringe at the noise my ass makes when it hurts the floor.

"Ouch." I groan sitting up and rubbing my ass, "can you stop talking" he says, anger laced in his tone. "Sorry.." .

"You will be Sorry you little bitch" he says laughing hysterically as his leather boot collided with my cheek darkness clouding my thoughts, it all went black. I think I'm dead.


My head is pounding, I felt so weak I didn't even wanna open my eyes. I felt restrained and claustrophobic.

I slowly open my eyes adjusting them to the new profound dim liten room. "Your finally awake.." he smiles his grin somehow getting wider.

I look around, it was fairly dark, the moonlight shinning through I think im in a living room. I take notice of my surroundings 'this may come in handy later..' ; a sofa with dried blood, an old looking carpet , a connected kitchen with 3 counters , a mini fridge and a small table.

My eyes felt blurry, my vision was somewhat blocked, it took me a second to realise that I had been put in a cage.

"Are you not gonna speak again" he groans sitting down on the sofa, leaning back and his legs spread with his hands resting on his thighs. "Would you really wanna reply yesterdays events.?"

I shake my head indicating to him that I do NOT.

"Then fucking speak" he yells sitting up straight and booting the cage, his once sadistic smile changed into a deep anger plastered on his face.

"What do you want." I mumble hugging my feet into my chest, the cage I was in wasn't small it was quite large, there was a few dog toys in their. It sort of upsetted me , thinking that a dog used to sleep in here and was now killed by this bloody hungry monster.

"Ah so your gonna talk now" he grins once again. "Yes" I whisper, my voice timid, fragile infact it was so dry, I hadn't drank it what felt like days.

"Do you know how long I've been trying to get you, y/n?" He questions , standing up from the couch, towering above me by a milestone.

"No" I shake my head in return, his smile fades slightly, he may have been angry that i hadn't of caught into his little obsession with me.

"Well that's just fucking helpful" he sulks, rolling his eyes and walking into the kitchen to the fridge presumably for a beer.

Yea I was right, he walks back in beer in hand and sits back down. I stare at the alcoholic drink contently, craving the slightest bit of liquid able to enter my mouth. My body was aching for a drink, I felt like I was dying. My mouth was salivating with every sip he took, I wasn't even paying attention to his aimless rambling I was too focussed on the drink.

I'm snapped back out of whatever facade my mind was just in when a knock came at the door, he went over and saw it was the police.

"Shit." He curses, pasing around the living room with his hands on his head, with each knock the force was louder, muffled voices were heard. "Jeff let me out and I'll speak to them" I manage to croak out. "You think I'm stupid? You think I don't know your tricks?" He laughs slightly. "I promise I won't do anything, I'm trying to help you, I wouldn't lie to you I know what your capable of"i try buttering him up.

"Fine but no funny business or I'll tear you from limb to limb and hang your head like a chandelier" my eyes widen as he comes over opening the cage, untying my legs. "Gotcha" I quickly manage to slip out crawling out of the cage and walking to the front door.

I turn around to see the smiling killer gone, I shrug it off and open a the door. Their stood 2 well dressed police officers whos tempers where lowering significantly.

"Hello are you the owner of this property? Mr randolf." The smaller one asks. "Ah no! I'm his grandchild, he's asking me to keep an eye on his house as my brother took him out fishing by the lake in the next town" I splurt out, fear lacing in my body as their gaze was nonstop on me and trying to peer into the little bungalo stood behind me.

"Do you mind if we take a look" the other one says, his hand on his waistband. "Oh not at all officers!, come in" I say, frightened, trying to hide my fear in my giddy tone.

"Excuse the mess, my dog was going on a mad one, my husbands took him out on a dog walk not too long ago to calm him down" opening the door and letting them In the colour drains from my face as they began inspecting the place.

"Aha don't worry we get told that all the time, trust me we've seen worse" the taller one mentions laughing.

They walk over to the couch, the house reeked like blood. I could smell it, if they couldn't then I'm really confused.

The beer i once saw the killer drinking was resting there, in all its glory, I wanted to drink it so bad but I couldn't infront of the officers and with Jeff still present somewhere.

I walk into the kitchen confidentially grabbing a glass and filling it with water, taking small sips as I lent on the counter watching the officers continue with their 'job'.

"Randy come here, look what I just saw." He says pointing out the window. The smaller one comes over looking outside.

It was Jeff, his smile as big as ever as he held the lifeless body of mr randolf, the police officers turn around and rush outside, but by the time they got over there he was gone. All that was left was the dead body of an old innocent man.

I may not have known him but he did not deserve to die at the hands of someone like Jeff, I felt my stomach doing summersaults, like I was about to throw up. Watching through the window the officers had looked through before seeing them both calling backup to the scene with poor mr randolf there beneath them.

I felt tears well in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"Oh don't cry sweetheart" I hear the oh so family voice growl from behind me as I an once again hit in the head, my whole world going dark, my ears were buzzing as a collapsed into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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