chapter 4

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I slowly reach into your bag trying to find the picture without taking my eyes of Jeff so he don't do some shit.

I look away for a spilt second thinking I had found it then turning back round to see Jeff lunging at me .

I screamed as his somehow warm hand covers your mouth. I try punching him but it didn't work.then I noticed he had burnt his eyelids and realised you had deodorant in your bag with him turning round to see who was outside and it was this guy with the same blue mask and out the window there was some tall ass clown laughing it disturbed you .I quickly reached into the bag and got the deodorant as soon as he turned to look at me I sprayed it in his face making him yelp

"YOU FUCKING ASS" he screamed

I pushed him off you and ran too the door getting captured by the blue masked Male. You took your knee and booted the area we're the sun don't shine. He let you go gripping onto his member and the clown laughed and smirked at me. I ran down the broken stairs.

"L.J GET HIM" Jeff yelled

I trip down the stairs landing on the clowns chest. He grabs both my hands and pulls them behind my back I yell hoping someone will hear.

The clown thing let go and asked if I wanted any candy. I know they say don't take candy from creeps but I was craving for any food.

He passed me the candy and I ate in a second . I suddenly felt light headed and fell to the ground my eyesight going black...


Jeff the killer X male reader Where stories live. Discover now