Finally Found

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Ojiro: I don't think sataro will be coming back..

Tokoyami: they will. It's only been a month or so. They wouldn't just give up.

Bakugou: Edgar Allen Crow is right. Sataro isn't some weak bastard. They'll be back and probably stronger than ever.

Midorya: What if they're too hurt to get away?

Bakugou:  Are we talking about the same person? The one who literally starts fights for fun? AND USUALLY WINS??? Istg you all need to trust that idiot more.

Todoroki: Bakugou is right. Sataro San is strong even without using their quirk. If they're actually in danger, they'll use their quirk and save themselves.

Shoji: they'll have to. The police are calling it a cold case and apparently have been debating on closing the case.

Jiro: they can't!

Momo: sataro needs the police help to be found! They can't just close the case.

Iida: I've been looking into it, and shoji's right. The police have been going back and forth on closing it because the only lead they have was that one imposter who said sataro got away.

Iida: The lov has been running a ruckus with their nomu according to the police.

Mina: I hate feeling this helpless..

Denki: sataro will be ok. They have to be.

Kirishima: Maybe they have got away and are just staying alone to protect themselves and us..

Tsu: they'd tell us, wouldn't they?

Uraraka: If they wanted to keep themselves and us safe, they probably would isolate themselves. They aren't great at asking for help anyway.

Sero: Exactly! Sataro is probably safe and just hiding.

Sato: I just wish we knew for a fact they're safe.

Hagakure: Yeah, it'd be nice to know they were ok. It'd bring some peace.

Aoyama: I just want to be able to sleep and know they're ok. I miss that.

Aizawa: Everyone get ready, the lov is threatening to attack the city and ua. Be quick.

Midorya: Do you think we'll see sataro?

Aizawa: Just be ready for anything.


Students and staff run out of ua, not expecting to see the lov in front of them. "I thought they were in the city.." Honenuki muttered, shigiraki laughed, "We've have clones to take of that." As he spoke, a strange amalgamation of hounds and a humanoid thing slowly approached, siliva and seemingly tears dripping down its ruined faces, the creature rubbing one of the heads against shigiraki's arm making him flinch and pull away quickly. "We have a new friend joining us as you can see. You know them quite well, too, huh?" Shigaraki spoke, refusing to look at the creature.

The students and staff stared at the creature, confused til  tokoyami spoke up, "..Sataro?" He muttered, staring at the more humanoid looking head. The heads immediately swivereled to look at him, and the faces sent shivers down his spine. With the single movement, the fight began, the hounds unleashed.

Every time sataro seemed to weaken or tire, a shock was sent through their body, keeping them going, keeping them fighting as stress, pain, and anxiety forced their fight instincts into overdrive. No one wanted to fight them, but they had no real choice. Best jeansit had only arrived after the lov got away. He was just barely able to tie sataro down, and cementoss caging them in well they thrashed around trying to free themselves in panic and pain.

The jaws of the animalistic hound heads snarled and salivated, the craving to bite and tear to relieve the pain that itched at their gums, as soon as they saw all might come close to them they lunged, close to tearing the lines keeping them bound with the cement. All might laid his hand on the humanoid head softly rubbing their hair as the creature thrashing to bite him as more tears and siliva poured down, a soft whine coming from their throat. "I'm so sorry, young sataro.."


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