Meeting up?

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Sataro-san: yall go to ua yeah?

Mina: yup

Midoriya: yes?

Denki: sadly yess

Jiro: yup

Urakua: mhm

Momo: why do you ask?

Sataro-san: my schools trying to exchange me :,)


Sero: nice

Mina: YAY

Midoriya: yay!

Momo: that's wonderful

Sato: Thats amazing!

Shoji: can we meet?

Tokoyami: dark shadow is very happy.

Sataro-san: imma miss this place though, and I dont exactly wanna be a hero maybe like a weapons maker or a maker of quirk enhancing items yk?

Iida: you'd love the support class then they make loads of inventions

Sataro-san: that's what I wanted but they said they couldn't promise anything :,(

Iida: I personally am not a fan but I think you'd favor it

Sataro-san: Wait why do you not like it? Is it the people?

Iida: a little yeah

Midoriya: I get that, Mei is a little. . . Much?

Uraraka: she's very touchy

Sataro-san: oh I hate being touched 0/10 if someone touches me without permission I'd punch them.

Sero: damn, thank you for the warning though

Sataro-san: 😁👍

Uraraka: if you do get into the support class maybe you could fix my hero costume up, the person I commissioned took some liberations you could say.

Bakugou: was yours to tight aswell pink cheeks?

Uraraka: Yes! I was hoping for more of a space suit kind of vibe but I got bubblegum mascot 🥲

Bakugou: I have the same problem I was hoping for more of a loose work out shirt instead i got a shirt that makes it hard to breathe

Uraraka: Did you get yours from kojayo akiota?

Bakugou: Yeah! That damn designer

Sataro-san: I'll make sure to loosen things up if I get the chance!

Uraraka: thanks!

Momo: that's sweet, if possible can you help me aswell my uniform us a but revealing and I'm not good at tailoring clothes or grasping the idea 9f how it works so my quirk won't help

Sataro-san: I'll help anyone who needs it all I'd need is material and the designs yall want 😁

Midoriya: Oh guys class is gonna start we need to go! Bye Sataro

Sataro-san: bye-bye

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