Chapter 6 (S1): Nevermore

Start from the beginning

Cyborg: Hey! Let me...

He sees Doctor Light approaching him.

Doctor Light: Now if nobody minds, I'll be taking the gold.

Raven: I mind. Azarath Metrion Zin-

Before she casts a spell, a beam hits her, sending her to the ground. He walks up behind her, when she stats to get up.

Doctor Light: Bit of advice.

He warms up energy on both hands.

Doctor Light: Find shorter magic words.

Raven's glow white, using telekinesis on a motorcycle nearby, launching it towards him, only to be destroyed by one blast. Doctor Light hits her with another blast, sending her flying and down. He steps forward to her, when you got in front to defend her, with repulsor charging from your gauntlet.

(Y/n): Take one more step, and it'll be last thing you ever do.

He stops.

Doctor Light: What's the matter? Afraid of the light.

You get ready to shoot a repulsor blast, until Raven's eyes glow red, when she passes you, rising up, towering of Doctor Light. Tendrils shoot from underneath her cloak. He fearfully backs up

Doctor Light: No! No!

The tendrils ensnare him, sparks appear from his suit.

Doctor Light: My suit! What are you- No, stop! You win, I surrender

He gets dragged in, when the hybrid demon sorceress smirks viciously at him.

Raven: What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?

Doctor Light: I surrender! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

(Y/n): Raven! That's enough!

Her eyes return to normal in a flash, gasping. She returns to normal size, along with her cloak to reveal the defeated enemy, curled up in the ground, shivering in wide eyed. Robin and Starfire run to him.

Robin: It's okay. You're going to be all right.

Doctor Light: It dark... Make it stop... Make it stop...

You retract your helmet. You turn to Raven and approach her.

(Y/n): Raven? Are you okay?

She turns to you, preventing herself from snarling at you then walks away.

Beast Boy: What's her deal?

(Y/n): I don't know.

You worried for her.

Raven walks into the dark alley, and soon lost out of sight.

The next morning, everyone is back at the tower. You, Robin, Starfire and Cyborg are sat the table.

Beast Boy: Rise and shine, amigos.

He was cooking food in a pan.

Beast Boy: Breakfast is served.

Robin: Thanks, Beast Boy. Everything looks great.

Beast Boy puts the pan on the table.

(Y/n): It better not be tofu again.

Starfire: On my planet, such a feast would mark the arrangement of a marriage. Tell me, Beast Boy, to whom are you engaged?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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