Chapter 2 (S1): Sisters

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In outer space, four blue light trails through space, as they scatter around. One is revealed to be a cylindrical robot with tentacles.

At an amusement park, fireworks blow up in the sky. Robin and Starfire sat together in the ferris wheel. She gazed up at the fireworks, letting out a sigh.

Starfire: Beautiful. Tell me again what they are called.

Robin: Fireworks.

They continue watching them in the sky.

Starfire: On my home planet, such explosions would mean the Gordanians were attacking. You are certain Earth is not under attack?

Robin: Positive. Cotton candy?

He offers her some.

Starfire: The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white. And if did not taste very-

Robin: This is different.

He takes off a piece and eats it. Starfire takes a piece and eats too.

Starfire: Mmm. Hmm! It vanished!

Robin: Yeah. It'll do that.

She sighs.

Starfire: When I first came to this planet, I did not think I would fit in. Earth was full of strange things. But now I see that-

Bigger fireworks come.

Robin: Here comes the finale! Yes!

Multiple explode in the sky.

Robin: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Amazing!

She smiles at him.

Starfire: Earth is full of amazing things too.

Robin: Best planet I've ever been to.

Suddenly, the tentacle robot swoops in and grabs Starfire. She screamed.

Robin: Starfire!

Starfire was stuck to the tentacles, while being dragged by the robot.

Starfire: Wherever you taking me, I do not wish to go!

She fires a starbolt at its base, stopping the machine in midair while being effected by the energy, removing her, as she flies off, and the machine went after her

Meanwhile, you, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg are at the game booths.

A ring was thrown, bouncing on to one bottle, then to the neck of another bottle.

Beast Boy laughs

Cyborg: Boo-yah!

Beast Boy: Sweet!

They high five.

Raven leaned against the post with her arms crossed. Beast Boy was a given a high stuffed chicken as a prize.

Beast Boy: Told you we'd win you a prize.

He hands it to her.

Raven: A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world.

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