(Y/n) Stark's Origin

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At age 13, you were in a gym, wearing fingerless mma gloves while training with Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Captain America, wearing training mitts, you throw rapid jabs into the mitts with speed. You duck from his hook punch, then do a two jab and a front kick.

You trained with Natasha Romanoff, A.K.A. Black Widow, in Judo, she flipped you over her shoulder. You then follow her movements in martial arts.


At 15, you started building your first armor. You lifted your welding helmet after you finished.

You practiced the flight test, then the target practice with repulsors.


You witnessed Ultron at Stark Tower attacking. He grabbed you, lifting you up, then threw you to the floor, as he approached you.


You suit up into your Iron Man suit for the first time, and teamed up with the Avengers fighting the Ultron Sentries at Sokovia.

You and your dad shoot repulsor beams, Thor released lightning from his Mjölnir, and Vision fired a laser beam from the gem on his forehead directly at Ultron, when his vibranium body started to melt.


You hid against the wall putting the gauntlet on your right forearm, releasing a sonic pulse, stunning Winter Soldier, followed up with a light flash, then got in close, breaking his pistol. Both of you fight hand to hand, with you gauntlet countering his titanium arm.

During the fight at the airport, you fought Bucky in your armor inside the building with Spider-Man against Falcon. Outside, you uppercut giant Ant-Man.

After witnessing the murder of your grandparents, you join Tony to fight Captain America and Winter Soldier.

You held one half of a ferry with several mini thrusters to help push the halves together, while your dad welded the halves with lasers.


You join with the Titans to fight against the Gordanians, shooting repulsor blasts with Raven back to back shooting black magic projectiles.

You throw a hook punch at Mammoth, jab and uppercut, then finish with a unibeam, knocking him to the ground.

You hover in front of Raven, shooting repulsor at an octopus Plasmus.

Cinderblock throws boulder.


You dodge the boulder, then launch a micro missile at him

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You dodge the boulder, then launch a micro missile at him. You then walk away, and the missile explodes on Cinderblock.

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