A date with timothy huh

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Lucy- well then I'm gonna get changed cus my shift is over
Tim- same see u in a  min

They both get changed and go to roll call room and stand looking st each other

Lucy- so u wanted to talk to me
Tim- Mhm well i was wondering miss Chen if u wanted to go on a date
Lucy- mmm maybe... I'm joking, of course I will
Tim- great
Lucy- no Offence but I really don't feel like going out
Tim- to be honest neither, should we go to the shops get a bunch of candy and snacks get some matching pj's and have a little movie  night at mine
Lucy- YES
Tim- ok one question ive been dying to do this.... Can I kiss u I'm dying without touching your lips
Lucy- well I can't leave u suffering

They start kissing as everyone was leaving and they all cheer

Lucy- and that's are queue to leave
Tim- my love they were leaving
Lucy- still we can finish that tonight
Tim- mk...

Tim drives then to the shops they pick out a new blanket and some new flufffy pj's lucys were black and said in white writing " my boy is mine " and Tim got a white pair and in black writing it said "my girl is mine" , they got a shit load of snacks and picked up some tequila, vodka, whiskey, wine, beer, rum, salt and lemons so they could do tequila slammers , ad they go to pay Lucy pulls out her purse and her card but Tim pays before her

Lucy- u never let me pay for anything
Tim- cus queens are supposed to be spoiled

They get home and immediately change into there pj's, they both take pictures in them and post it on there social

Lucys description: Date night at his since none of us can be asked to go anyway, matching pj's cus he can't say no to me, god I love this man so much @tim_lucymyluv , can't wait to spend forever with u 😘😘

Tins description: when u get dragged into this on date night, @lucy_timsbae , love u hun... Are we Netflix or Netflix and chill 😏

Lucy- baby what shall we watch
Tim- hmm I was thinking about this new series called dark matter
Lucy- s-sure it's not new btw

They put it in on and at the start it shows all the cast members and there role and it says --; Lucy Chen as two (I KNOW THAT'S NOT HOW THE START OF IT GOES)

Tim- babe
Lucy- Mhm
Tim- u star in this
Lucy- Mhm should we watch something else I don't wanna watch my self
Tim-  sure , what about  hmmm I dunno
Lucy- could we watch lion King
Tim- never heard of it
Lucy- dam

They put it on and when mufassa gets pushed off the cliff by scar Lucy cries quietly into Tim but he feels her tears and pauses it, he lifts her head up using her chin

Tim- oh my love
Lucy- sorry it's just sad
Tim- ik but it's a kids film
Lucy- I'm tired
Tim- same sweetie
Lucy- can we go to bed
Tim- Mhm but first, would u like to be my girlfriend
Lucy- Yes.... Can u carry me
Tim- ye

He picks her up

Tim- jeez baby your like a feather, have u been eaten
Lucy- I wasn't aloud too and I still don't
Lucy- oh my  love u need to eat
Lucy- fine
Tim- what do u fancy
Lucy- a fruity salad
Tim- fruit salad coming up

He goes into the kitchen and makes a big bowl of it for them 2 to share and sits in bed with her, they watch top chef on the TV and after 30 min th ebowl was consumed by the 2 , they fall asleep cuddling

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