i like that

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(I tried matching the song with title)

Tim- I wouldn't tho it's not like were dating yk
Lucy- ik, just making sure u do
Tim- ofc I do u

it's end of shift

Lucy- timmmmmmmm
Tim- Mhm
Lucy- who's are we staying at tonight
Tim- well I was thinking mine cus I have a doggy called kojo at home
Lucy- since when
Tim- this morning
Lucy- I'm gonna take him
Tim- Mhm, so what do u say
Lucy- I'd like that
Tim- perfect

they drive to lucys and picks up her stuff and go to tims Lucy puts her stuff in tims room and then sees kojo

Lucy- oh aren't u handsome little boy
Tim- rude
Lucy- your handsome too but not as handsome as kojo
Tim- u admitted im handsome
Lucy- u admitted I was beautiful the other day so bang
Tim- alr anyway what do u want for dinner
Lucy- hmm..... I don't know u choose
Tim- how does carbonara sound
Lucy- ooo yes
Tim- great
Lucy- thanks for staying with me all the time and all that
Tim- it's ok , can u remind me why it's only me u stay with
Lucy- your the person who saved me when I was a-a-abducted
Tim- that's cus ik always think if about u
Lucy- see that's what I like about u, ur always thinking about others
Tim- actually I into think about u
Lucy- oh how lovely
Tim- ok dinner will be residents in about 25 minutes
Lucy- ok

she sits on the floor and calls kojo over he stands on her causing her to lay down he starts to lick her face

Tim-*𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚜*kojo get off her
Lucy- *𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 * I love that dog

She walks into the kitchen and wipes her face with some wet tissue

Tim- sorry about him
Lucy- no it's ok
Tim- do u mind setting the table
Lucy- not at all

Lucy sets the table and then tim dishes up the food they sit opposite each other and eat

Tim- ok how did the snake not bite u
Lucy- dunno, why didn't u snuggle with it
Tim- alright calm down, so glad I have a day off tmmr
Lucy- same I'm going beach your coming with
Tim- great just what I wanted to do
Lucy- it is tho

She does the dishes and tim dries them putting them away after 10 mins of cleaning up the table and kitchen they sit down on the couch tim has a beer and Lucy had a glass of wine

𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔

Lucy- I'll get it

Lucy awnsers the door and see's Angela stood there

Lucy- hey ang come in
Angela- thank you

They both go and sit into he living room

Tim- hey ang, what's up
Angela- Patrice is staying at ours for the night so I'm staying here tonight
Lucy- Yaaa
Tim- she ain't that bad
Angela- Patrice phone, Patrice wedding folder
Tim- I take that back
Lucy- your welcome to have the guest room
Angela- where will u sleep
Lucy- I can't sleep alone it gives me panic attacks and stops me from breathing, so I sleep in with tim and I've been doing that since I was saved
Angela- ohh Luce, well at least u got softie to protect ya
Tim- do I look like a softie to u
Lucy- ye *𝚢𝚊𝚠𝚗𝚜*
Tim- bed time
Lucy- noooo

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