Chapter 4

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"Girl, he likes you!" Pardofelis exclaimed, shaking your shoulders.

"Really?" Your heart raced, though you tried to suppress it. "I don't believe it."

Your two friends, in unison, swiveled to the costly Kevin Kaslana figurine displayed on your desk.

The night has fallen, and your friends, Pardofelis and Hua are currently having a sleepover in your room. Pardofelis was discussing about you and Kosma on your birthday.

"I'm not lying! Hua, you should've seen the look on their faces while hugging! There's definitely something going on."

"I can't say anything about that," Hua said, tying her silver hair up. "But I can tell you, he likes you a lot."

"Say more! Y/N isn't convinced Kosma likes her."

"...I like him a lot too, but what if he says it's just platonic love?" You fidgeted with your long sleeved pajamas.

"I don't believe it's platonic love," Hua shook her head.

"It's the one you read in romance novels, real, true love!" Pardo jumped in.

"Then... I... I'll confess to him."

Hua and Pardofelis' eyes grew huge. "Really?!"

"I'll help you pick out your outfit! It's gonna be so darn cute. I've gotten so many sales because of my taste!"

You raised an eyebrow. "You mean random lost clothing you found?"

"Let me assist you with the cards. I know a thing or two about poetry."

"No." You hushed your friends ideas. "I won't be doing anything crazy like wearing a fancy outfit or writing a love letter. I just want it to be simple."

"Aww! Then go for it, Y/N!" Pardofelis gushed.

Hua agreed, smiling. "I'm sure he would like that."

"Ok! Should I tell him, 'I love you'? No, that sounds too boring..."

"Don't overthink it," Hua said. "Just those three words can change your life."

"You are so wise, Hua!" Pardofelis cheered. "When will you confess?"

"Tomorrow. We're both free, so hopefully nothing will come up."


As soon as your alarm blasted for the new morning, you hopped out of bed.

As the glistening circle rises in the horizons, you scrubbed your teeth, brushed your hair, and added an extra layer of clear lipgloss.

Wait, should I add an extra layer? You thought. Nah. I should just stick with one layer.

Searching through your closet, you pulled out the best of the best clothing you could find in there.

Now, after choosing your outfit, you picked out your shoes. Before you could slip into them, your phone buzzed.

"Girl! Where are you? It's almost twelve!"

"Y/N, you better not be overthinking your outfit."

You sent a text. Relax! I'm about to head out right now.

"HURRY! He might emerge from the meeting room any time now!"

"I'm here!" You called to your friends. Pardo and Hua's face turned into all forms of shock.

"I thought you weren't trying to look cute for Kosma," Pardofelis smugly said, noticing your black, long sleeved knee-length dress. You donned white stockings and Mary Jane flats.

"Did you also write a love letter?" Hua asked.


"You were lucky Dr. MEI pulled him aside, sparing you a couple extra minutes," Hua stated.

"So, what are you waiting for? Confess!!!"
Pardo whispered, grinning.

"But–" Suddenly, you were pushed into the meeting room.

Your eyes immediately locked with those orange, saffron eyes. He was about to leave.

"Hey, Y/N," Kosma said, walking by, eyes glued to the floor.

"Wait, Kosma."

"Sorry. I can't stop for a talk with you." He wasn't making eye contact.

"What? Why not?"

He kept quiet. "I'll tell you later. Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

"No, tell me now."

Kosma seemed a little pale. "Later. Please."

You sighed. "Fine. Take care of yourself, okay? You're kind of pale."

He nodded and walked out, followed by you. I guess I'll have to push this back. But what exactly is Kosma hiding from me?

"What happened?" Hua whispered, concerned.

"His eyes are just glued to the floor, and he looks kind of slouched," Pardo's brows furrowed in worry. "Is he okay?"

"I can't tell. He's hiding something from me."

"Don't be sad, Y/N!" Pardo noticed the sad frown on your face. "Maybe he's just needs some space?" Hua patted your shoulder.

"I'll try again later." In a split second, your mood brightened up. "Let's go to the training room!"

Hua seemed confused. "Huh? But I thought—"

"T-training r-room?" Pardo stuttered. "I just remembered I needed to stock up! Catch you later, Y/N and Hua!"

You waved to Pardo, then whirled around to your friend. "Hua, I know you're one of the best martial artists around here. Could you teach me some moves?"

"First off, what's up with the sudden mood change?"

"Well, I just want to help fight against the Honkai."

Hua's arms folded before you. She wasn't the type to urge you to tell her more. She waited for you to come to her.

"I want to fight alongside Kosma."

"Then I'd be delighted to teach you. Follow me."

Plighting Confession  - Kosma x Female Reader (HONKAI IMPACT)Where stories live. Discover now