Chaper 1

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We all were called into the twin squares. The kingdom's people were too large for this small area. People were sitting on shoulders and  in houses that overlooked the square. The castle was a ways away but within walking distance, it was a mix of yellows and tans of stone. I traveled inside once as a child and saw the great ballroom. The central tower had a dome that stretched so tall you couldn't see the top. The floor was a gray broken cobble. She was much younger then, her face was beautiful and young. People were still flooding in when she first said. "I would like to address a few things,'' her old voice yelled from her perch. Scrappy and picchi. The little old woman had a black hair that was plastic looking and had white stripes. Her dress was littered with jewels and lace. Something very old compared to the new light dresses that flowed in the breeze from the ocean. Her face was delicate yet rough. It has wrinkles holding past and sun on her face causing it to be dry and cracked. I could see better now. I turned 20 and suddenly my eyes became the best they have ever been. She looked over at the guards "I have put all your names into a box," she paused and looked all her people over. "As you all have noticed the king is missing." People gasped "and well the wicked witch of ostensible has him captured" she again paused. Gods she is fucking slow. "I have put all your names in a box to pick who will be going to go to the trials in my place" people went wide eyed. "The king is being held against his will and one you will be awarded with saving him. It is a great honor if you bring him back and I will award thee with 700 tokens full of coins. Jaws dropped. People started to look around. One man I was close to rode his hand. "I volunteer your majesty, not for the money but for our king" he bowed down and others just watched. She looked emotionless. "Thank you kind one. But thee must be picked by the spinning wheel" she pointed a finger at the wheel that was made of iron and had a small door on it for her to stick her hand in. We all looked at the man. He looked as if he felt discarded. She slowly walked to the mettle tomb of names and had a guard turn the handle to make it spin. After a few seconds she ordered them to stop and the guard walked over to the door and opened it to all the folded pieces of actual paper. What a waste. She slowly stuck a hand in it and moved it round. People began murmuring and got anxious. I couldn't feel the same as these people. I was calm, which was a good sign. "Here we go '' she pulled out two pieces stuck together and pulled one off and threw it back in. She walked to the edge of her balcony with a short wall. She opened it up and showed it to the guard. They whispered in her ear and she walked back to her stand with her metal megaphone.

Silence fell over the people. Only the breathing sea.

She slowly opened the paper, building suspense. "Vivian Weychainster" she spoke coldly. "Vivian Weychainster again" my heart dropped as I heard my name. My mouth parted slowly. I felt my heart racing. No, this couldn't be it. I couldn't do this. I had to. I had to do this and if I chose not to I wish to not know. I looked around and people  began to look at me. I watched as they all looked at me as if I were dead already. "You will bring her up after she gathers her things and take her to the wall and let her go" the Queen said to her guards. I started walking home to my sister. My sister. I bolted for home. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. "Vanessa! I yelled "vana!" I yelled, starting to cry. I ran into groups crying in relief and pleitos began their day again. I rounded the corner and through alleyways making it the relief of home. But this wasn't that. No. That little voice sang deep inside. Tears were at the lip of my eye as I climbed the stairs to our house. I stopped at the door. "You can't cry infront of your little sister" the little voice inside spoke loud and clear. I wiped my eyes and splashed flower water on my face. I opened the door. Her hair was loosely tied back and her blonde that was light brown strung within, hair had fallen in her face. She was inside cleaning the counter before she made something for dinner. She always knew that a clean table wouldn't get us sick like the others.. She was smart like that. I went to school but I couldn't afford her and me attending. I taught her everything as soon as I got home. She learned fast but I wasn't in school anymore and she learned from friends. She was smart, she was kind and she was beautiful. Boys would stop in their tracks seeing her.  Drop jaws and even she has rejected a marriage proposal. "Vani" I looked at her and I almost couldn't hold it back. "What's wrong viví?" Confusion filled her face. "I got picked, I have to leave. I'm not leaving you" I spoke and hugged her. "You got picked?" She asked grimly "yes" my voice broke "they will be here soon to escort me to the trail or something like that or a boat. I never left the city, I can't do this!" I looked at her. "Yes you can. I will come with you. I will be right there with you. Let's pack our stuff and be ready" she answered very calmly. I nodded and went to pack. "Miss Vivian. We are here to take you to the border" one soldier said. "Okay" I came out of my room and my sister emerged from hers. "I am ready." I spoke with a feeling in my gut. "Let's go" they ordered and two in front and two behind. People murmured at us in the old dialect of a language. "What impicule how could you be picked for such a thing. At least they aren't married and no kids have blessed them" a mean lady spoke. My sister grabbed my hand and looked at me and smiled. "I'm right here,"  she spoke quietly . We walked through town and passed the lurking eyes. We were finally approaching the stone castle, we both looked upward and saw the thing sky upward. We walked through corridors and through short rooms. We walked up cold stairs that felt like they had eyes. I felt like someone was watching.

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