Chapter 31: Season Finale (Accompany Me...)

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Centred at the magnificent Twilight Wolves headquarters, a grand hall of breathtaking proportions stood as a testament to their might and prestige. Adorned with rich tapestries depicting scenes of valor, magic and the guild's updated emblem – a dark howling wolf head intertwined with a crescent moon – the hall was an opulent fusion of artistry and power.

As Kashi ventured beyond the towering doors, the air itself seemed to change, heavy with the weight of anticipation. The hall's vaulted ceiling soared to incredible heights, its intricate architecture illuminated by countless chandeliers dripping with crystal gemstones that cast a warm, golden glow upon the polished marble floor. Statues of noble Direwolves, sculpted in precious metals, flanked the hall's perimeter, their fierce gazes fixed upon the center where the most esteemed guests of the day gathered.

At the heart of this regal assemblage sat a dais, upon which rested an intricately carved ebony throne. The seat of authority, adorned with draconic accents, awaited its guildmaster. Ahead of the dias, rows of beautifully adorned chairs were placed in a semi-circular fashion.

The grand hall was alive with whispered conversations and the rustle of silk robes as the kings and top figures of the Twilight Wolves guild mingled. Egos were far distant as kings of distant realms, resplendent in the regal attire, conversed with rogues in battle armor, each garment carefully chosen to symbolize their connection to the twilight hour. The air was rich with the scent of exotic perfumes, and the occasion show of magic—a testament to the trust these leaders had in the Wolves' security and atmosphere.

As Kashi made his entrance, his figure seemingly casting long shadows through the towering windows that lined the hall's walls, a hush fell upon the gathered assembly.

The famed guildmaster.

All gathered had either witnessed his glory at the Battle of Oni Hill in person or during the broadcast. None would ever forget the insane might of the unassuming draconian dressed in a loose shirt and trousers.

Kashi alone did not steal the limelight. Soon, many gazed upon the famed Nightwind Direwolf after whom the guild was named. Although quite a few did not understand the intricacies, they knew the tide of battle swiftly shifted after her arrival. She was as integral to the victory at Oni Hill as Kashi—perhaps even more so. Most then ignored the daeben following behind, attributing his presence to some clone technique of Kashi's when ascending into his draconic form.

Finally, the guests wore settled smiles when the beautiful but formidable Leila Lightwood walked in. For most gathered, she was the true face of the Twilight Wolves. After all, she was the one they primarily dealt with on most matters.

However, the proud wisben seemed to have deliberately chosen a supporting role as she kept pace a few steps behind Kashi, as if to reinforce the memory of the true guildmaster.

At the head, Kashi walked up to and stopped before the ebony throne with mirth in his eyes. 'A little much don't you think?' Chuckling softly, he knocked on the throne and then stepped in front of it, choosing to stand instead.

Standing behind the throne, Leila's lips curled ever-so-slightly. She knew Kashi was not the type to seek authority or rule. Still, it was only a matter of time. Whether the draconian liked it or not, both he and Suzuki would soon wield the kind of power that commanded authority, willing or not.

Oblivious to Leila's thoughts, Kashi absentmindedly ruffled Kira's fur as she sat on her hindlegs next to him. A quick scan revealed Suzuki behind the opulent throne, leaning against the backrest to hide from view. Kashi chuckled, not feeling the need to expose his reticent older brother. It was already progress that Suzuki did not hide in Orez or something. He had other ways to kick his older brother out of his comfort zone.

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