Chapter Forty-Five

Começar do início

"You may kill half, or even the whole of our army all by yourself, Oberyn Dryland. But you will not be remembered as a fierce warrior... Only as a treacherous coward who betrayed his own people for the promises of a dragon prince who has abandoned you." The Scorpion spoke with her cold and sharp voice.

"I'll die as a man who ended the madness of a child-lover pirate king and his pet monster. I should have killed that disgusting child-lover myself." Oberyn spoke coldly. "I lived as a free man and a king for the past eleven years. My mind is clear and my soul is content... But you? You are nothing more than a pet, Scorpion. A weapon aimed at the wrong man."

"I care not how you lived, only how you die." Scorpion answered coldly and began running toward Oberyn. "You will die a slow death, treacherous dog."

The Scorpion moved with feline grace, her acrobatic maneuvers defying the expectations of the spectators. She spun and twirled, the spear an extension of her fluid movements. Oberyn, though skilled, found himself momentarily entranced by her hypnotic dance.

Their blades met in a flurry of strikes, each combatant testing the other's skill. The Scorpion's spear sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, forcing Oberyn to dance nimbly to avoid the lethal thrusts.

Oberyn, determined not to be outmaneuvered, launched a rapid series of attacks. His sword danced like a serpent, but the Scorpion proved elusive. She somersaulted backward, narrowly avoiding Oberyn's strikes. In a swift counter, she lunged forward, her spear finding its mark. Oberyn parried with skill, but the Scorpion's movements were too unpredictable.

Suddenly with a swift move, the scorpion cut Obryn across his belly.

Obryn grabbed his belly and he pressed his teeth together as he fell to one knee, holding his sword with one hand and with one hand holding his belly.

"Did you really believe you could best me, traitor?" The scorpion spoke with her cold and emotionless voice. "If you only knew the thing the council has asked me to do to you..."

"Fuck... you... and fuck that council of fat cunts..." Oberyn spoke as he suddenly reached for his own head, placed one hand on top of his head and the other on his own chin... ready to snap his own neck, so he wouldn't suffer the torture that it was dreamed for him. "... I will die on my own terms."

"You fucking cow–" The scorpion yelled, but it was too late. With a quick move, Oberyn Dryland snapped his own neck, and his lifeless body fell to the ground.


Olyvar Fowler walked toward the Scorpion, with a troop of Dornish soldiers by his side. He could see Oberyn Dryland's lifeless body by her feet.

"After Eleven years, Stepstones is ours again." Olyvar Fowler spoke and smiled and looked at the lifeless body of the Pirate King of Stepstones. "Princess wanted him alive, Scorpion."

"The bastard killed himself before I could stop him." Scorpion spoke with her cold and sharp voice.

"Such a shame." Olyvar Fowler spoke with mockery as he closed his eyes as if he was deeply wounded by Oberyn Dryland's death, as he lowered himself to inspect Oberyn's pale and lifeless body. "He was one of the finest swordsmen that had ever lived... Only if his loyalty was as thick as his sword."

Olyar Fowler stood up and looked at the Scorpion. "Good work on cleaning the castle as we killed every single one of those traitors on the beach. You've done well. You can go home, back to Dorne." Olyvar told the Scorpion. "We will not need your services in what will come next."

The Scorpion nodded and walked away and left Olyvar Fowler with the fort of Stepstones filled with Dornish soldiers and Oberyn's lifeless body.

"Throw his corpse in the sea. Let the sharks feast on the bones of the once-legendary Oberyn Dryland... Last of his ancient house." Olyvar told a group of soldiers, which they obeyed and picked Oberyn's lifeless body and took it away.

The Dragon's LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora