"Just think of it this way man. He got his wacky muggle demon video games and his parents probably got what they wanted. Him outside." Blaise said as he slapped his back.

"Okay, this is what I'm good at. Playing video games. It's what I do. It's literally the main thing that I do. Play a game like this, there'll be levels. In order to finish, you gotta complete all the levels. Levels are gonna get harder as we go along. We complete the levels..." Spencer said rambling to himself as they walked away from where they came.

"Spencer, do you even know where we're going?" Fridge asked as they countuied walking up and down hills.

Spencer paused as he turned to look at the rest of the group.

"Kind of."
"Kind of?! You either know or you do not!" Artemis argued, already done with walking in the middle of an open area.

"Oh, that's good, then. We're in good hands." Fridge chimed in with his newly found female friend, making a thumbs up sarcastically.

"Okay, the missing piece, I'm guessing." Spencer said as he looked at the missing corner piece.

"That must be what we're looking for, the missing piece of the map." Martha said with excited, finally they know something..

"But...The problem is there's nothing here." Spencer said looking at the blank paper. Bethany walked behind Artemis looking at the map.

"What do you mean? It's a map, just like he said. It's a map of Jumanji." Bethany said as she points towards the paper map, looking at everyone like they had gone crazy as they stared at her.

Everyone looks confused at to why Bethany could see a map others couldn't.
   "Maybe she got too crazy without her phone thing?" Ron asked as he continued to watch the screen with puzzled as well as everyone else.

    "Maybe?" Hermione mumbled to herself in concern.

"Cartography." Both women said at the same time, sharing smiles with one another.

"What's that?" Bethany questioned, looking for an answer.
"The study of maps-"  Artemis said as she gazed at Bethany with amazement.

"It was one of Professor Oberon's skills." Martha chimed in as she smirked looked between Bethany and Artemis.

"Yes. That's right." Spencer said looking at Bethany at the map.

"Oh, so you can't see this, but I can?" Bethany said as she grabbed the map and proceeded to investigate it.

Everyone nodded as Artemis smiled as Bethany, which she caught and blushed. To make matter worse Artemis slung her arm over Bethany's shoulders, giving her a cheek kiss. "Proud of you Beth." She said before joining the others as they gathered, leaving a flush and confused Bethany behind.

Cue Sirius giving his husband the look.

"The characters we chose, we all have certain skills. So, there's gotta be a way to access our..." Spencer trailed off as he patted himself down until..
    Spencer gasped as he looked at the chart that magically popped up.

"So cool!"
"How'd they do that?"

"Oh!" Bethany exclaimed in surprise, taking a step backward. Martha looked confused on what just happened.
"Wow" Spencer continued, looking amazed.
"What'd you just do?" Fridge said warily.
"Strengths: Fearless. Climbing. Speed. Boomerang. Smoldering intensity." Spencer said, ignoring Fridge before intently smoldering off in the direction of.... Nothing.

Artemis Vega Lupin-Black: JUMANJI- Welcome to the Jungle.Where stories live. Discover now