Chapter 8:

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All five teenagers stuck in adult bodies, stands where they are as everyone either looks around or stares in the direction of where Nigel had left. After a few minutes of silence, Spencer turned towards Fridge as he offers him the stone.

   "Do you, uh, want to put this in there?"

"No no he does not." Sirius said with a laugh as he and James continued to make jokes on the boys face.

   "He definitely doesn't want that near him." James replied, nudging Sirius in the ribs. Lily quickly shut them both up with a stern look, how was she to deal with such man children? All she wanted to do was see her son and her godchild?

                             Was that so hard?

Fridge looks at the stone for a few seconds, shaking his head.

"No."  Fridge replies as he stares at the stone that everyone knew would cause trouble.

Blaise nodded along with the man. Theo looked to his best friend, before chuckling at his response. Everyone in the Great Hall chuckled at the response of Fridge. They understood why though.

"Come on, you're the only one with a backpack Fridge." Spencer said as Fridge finally shuffled with the bag on his shoulders as the stone is handed to him, Artemis shuffles her feet as she surveys the area around them with discomfort.

Maybe it was one of her character strengths, or maybe just her nerves about carrying a dangerous stone, but this open area was starting to get to her. For its a fact, if you don't hear any animals, get out......and that what her instincts were telling her but, what does she know, right?

"So now we are supposed to go and find...?" Fridge said or questions, waiting for someone to finish his sentence.

      "The bazaar, I guess?" Artemis said as she looked towards Spencer who reluctantly nodded, not knowing himself.

      "So, we return the jewel to the Jaguar statue, and then we go home. No problem." Martha tried to assure herself as she paced, trying to keep calm.

"Why can't we just leave, stop the game, without doing all this...stuff?" Bethany said as she threw her hands up in the air. Let's just say she DID NOT want to be here.

"Because that's not how it works...duh?" Blaise said as if they were stupid before looking towards Hermione.
   "Right?" He asked. Hermione gave a disappointed sigh before nodding. 

"We have to finish the game." Spencer said with somewhat desperation. "I think...I think we have to save Jumanji." He said as he to the edge of the hill. Martha watched with dreamy eyes, stuck in a fastasy that was soon ruined.

"Damn, that is a man right there." Bathany says as Martha looks at her as does Artemis.
     Meanwhile behind the scenes Spencer inhales sharply, "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. Don't cry."

Harry cringed at this scene. Remus and Sirius turned to James at the scene they just watched, before conversations with each other.

    "Sounds a bit like James in 4th year when Lily told him no to a Hogsmead date." Remus said, face pulled into a false puzzled expression. Sirius, of course, continued with his husbands joke.

   "Yes, I think I do remember that. Sat in the corner of the room all night from what I remember- ow! James!"

   A mosquito buzzes as it lands om Spencer before he kills it.

"Ah... There are so many diseases out here. It's hotttttt." He complains to himself with worry.

"Not a good environment for a germaphobe." Theo said as he wince. "Poor Spencer. Facing nature as a man who prefers the indoors."

Artemis Vega Lupin-Black: JUMANJI- Welcome to the Jungle.Where stories live. Discover now