Chapter 7: The Game Begins

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Nigel opened the doors to the jeep. "Don't just stand there. In you go!" Nigel said indicating with a smile to get in.

Sirius side eyed Nigel, who was standing closer to Sirius then Remus, as he slowly scooted closer to Remus. "I think he is mad.." he stated in a low voice. Remus looked away from the screen to his husband who was now pressed against him to get away from Nigel.

Remus sighed as he wordlessly turned away from his dramatic husband to watch the screen again.

Artemis looked around them as she surveyed to area, Spencer grabbed Martha as to lead her to the Jeep, Fridge pushed Bethany as he yelled for them to go but not before Bethany reached back to grab the collar of Artemis.

Remus bowed his head as he thanked whatever force out there for the Bethany girl looking out for his daughter.

As they all piled inside and the door slammed shut, Nigel put the Jeep into gear as he took off into the jungle.
   "Dr. Bravestone. Famed Archaeologist and international explorer. Known across the seven continents for you courageous exploits." Nigel says as he continues to drive.

  Spencer looked around panicking. Ignoring what the man had just said he asked, "Is there a seat belt!?"

Nigel, of course (love him), continued, "I can't tell you what an honor it is to finally meet you."
  The camera pans out to the the high school students side eyeing him, thinking he is crazy for being happy in such a scenario.

Sirius nodded his head in agreement with the teenagers. No one should be that happy unless they had something wrong. He side eyed Nigel again, who was just casually sitting in the corner smiling at the screen.

(AN: We love happy Nigel❤️)

   "And I'm not embarrassed to say your even more dashing in person."
     Artemis leaned towards Fridge whispering while he nods in agreement. Bethany bit her lip while turning towards Martha who seemed to be confused while also confounded as to what is happening in front of her.

Spencer looked away from him as he awkwardly says, "Um, thanks."

Martha finally finding her voice looks to Nigel, "Who are you?!"

"Nigel Billingsly at your service, Ruby Roundhouse, killer of men. Welcome to Jumanji. I've been so anxious for your arrival!" He said with happiness.

"How does he know who they are!?" A first year Slytherin exclaimed. 

"As you know, Jumanji could be in grave danger. We are all counting on you 5 to lift the curse." He kept going as he swerved through vines and trees. 

   "Curse?! What curse?!" Spencer said.
Before Nigel could reply Bethany leaned forward, "Have you seen my phone anywhere?"
   Nigel looked to him from over his shoulder and exclaimed, "Professor Sheldon Oberon! Welcome to Jumanji! Nigel Billingsly at your service. I've been so anxious for your arrival!"

   Artemis leaned forwards as she look at Nigel.
    "How did you know where we were?" She said but was cut short as Nigel hit a root, sending her flying back again.

   "Rhea ManHunter, hunter of the night. Welcome to Jumanji! Nigel Billingsly at your service. I've been so anxious for your arrival!"

Artemis looked at Fridge, "what the hell is this guy?"
Bethany finally voicing everyone question asked,
"What's with this guy?"

Everyone turned at stared at Nigel while Spencer explained. "I think he's an NPC."

Questions were thrown at the Muggle borns for answers as Both Remus and Sirius as well as the the Potter men, look at Lily and Hermione for answers. Lily sighs and Hermione just looks at them before answering, "The movie will most likely explain it."

Artemis Vega Lupin-Black: JUMANJI- Welcome to the Jungle.Where stories live. Discover now