Chapter 4- ARIELLA

Start from the beginning

She planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, while Uncle Ronan appeared perplexed. "Our little Ari has grown up. She's a university student now,"

Aunt Teal informed Uncle Ronan, clearing his confusion.
"Thank you, Aunt. Goodbye, Ron, I will take my leave now."
He glanced at my bare feet and remarked,
"Bare feet?."
Feeling embarrassed, I nodded my head and bit my lip as Uncle Ronan departed to somewhere unknown.

"Who is here to pick you up, Ari?"

Aunt Teal questioned to which I simply shook my head and replied,
"I will book a taxi and-"

"I will wake Remi. He will drop you."

"No, no, no. I mean, let him sleep"

A gentle smile graced her lips as she gazed at me with fond eyes. Suddenly, a coat is draped over my shoulder and a pair of shoes placed near my feet. Just like yesterday, when Remi pulled out a chair for me without me even asking, Uncle Ronan did the same today. Remi is just like Uncle Ronan - outgoing, gentlemanly, and a bit crazy. Even their eyes and hair are strikingly similar. I glanced up to see Uncle Ronan motioning for me to put on the shoes. I followed his silent instruction.

"So, little Aiden Nash has finally grown up,"

he remarked. All I could manage in response was a small chuckle and

"Cole and Aiden always play chess, as you know, and Cole lost this time. Their bet was that the winner gets to decide what they will call you. Aiden wanted to call you Ariella Aiden Nash, Cole was being dramatic about it but as long as he is irritated"

Aunt Teal burst into laughter and smile I do the same, simultaneously.

I truly adore Dad and Uncle Aiden they are both equally important to me. Cole Nash is my protector and my father, while Aiden king is my savior and godfather.

I smiled to myself and asked,

"Can you please drop me off at home, Uncle?"

He replied,
If I were to go to King's Mansion, Uncle Aiden and Aunt Elsa will surely bombard me with questions. And brother Eli and Creigh, they wouldn't stay quiet until they get answers. It's better if I go home now. I can somehow convince Mom and Dad, but not them. I follow Uncle Ronan outside, bidding farewell to Aunt Teal. She is truly beautiful and kind-hearted. It's no wonder she transformed Ronan Astor from playboy to her man. I hope Remi and I can have a relationship like theirs someday. I don't know when he will love me the way I love him, but it's okay as long as he doesn't stop me from loving him.

"Lost in thoughts about my son again, Ari?,"
Uncle Ronan's voice interrupted my musings.
Its not even a drag, I am always thinking about him, wanting to feel him and all.
He laughed as he opened the car door.

The drive has become quiet. When he jokingly asked,
"Do you still follow him everywhere? Do you still stalk Remi?",

Stalk? My feelings for him go beyond mere stalking and infatuation. According to others, it's just a small crush, but they have no idea about the photos, videos, and the room in the apartment. No one knows about it. I keep it locked. I'm not secretive, but I don't say anything unless they ask me. That apartment was a gift from my dad on my 14th birthday. I only asked him for it as a joke, but he actually got it for me. Mom was shocked and scolded dad, but she eventually accepted it. I don't go there often, but when I feel like I'm losing my sanity, I go there to find peace...

"You didn't answer my question,"
he said, bringing me back to reality. "What do you think, Uncle?"
I playfully replied, raising my eyebrow. "Maybe not? I don't see you around often... I only see you when you come with Cole and Aiden and play with them, or at family gatherings,"
he responded. I nodded and we arrived home. I still have thirty minutes left before college, I entered the house with Uncle Ronan following me. I rang the doorbell and Mom opened the door. She looked shocked, which I expected. Considering how I must be looking right now and the fact that I'm here instead of there.

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now