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I traced my steps back
to where we first met,
and hold the memory
'til you slip away
-Suki Waterhouse


January 2015,

It was strange, being back in my hometown, but on the opposite side of town. The houses weren't decaying, filled with mold or peeling paint like they used to be. Aunt Kali lived in a two-story blue suburban with rose bushes planted in the front yard.

When I had left town, Aunt Kali was in college. Now, she had a husband and a two-year old son, Nolie. And they had a room all set-up for me, kind of like they'd been waiting for me all that time. It might've not looked like much; the room could barely fit a twin-sized bed and a wooden dresser. But it was mine, so I loved it.

I'd never had a home I didn't feel like running away from.


We are sitting on the picnic tables outside of the dining hall. The leaves have turned vibrant colors, oranges and reds, and some are scattered around our feet. I have my arm slipped through Dalton's, while we listen to Frankie's gossip.

"So last night, me and Andres were hooking up and—"

"You two are already hooking up?" I ask. "Didn't you just meet?"

She frowns. "Yeah, Violet, not everyone is like you, waiting until the second coming of Christ, or some shit." I feel Dalton tense beside me. "Anyway, we were hooking up and he bit my tongue—not in like an accidental way, but in a kind of hot way. Do you think that's what they do in Barcelona?"

"I wouldn't know, Frankie."

She shrugs and goes back to filing her nails. I lean my head on Dalton's shoulder and we watch a group of freshmen across the lawn. Bailey is tossing a frisbee to a friend, and Tenny is standing with a group of boys. He's talking, they're listening. For some reason, that makes me happy.

"Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday?" Dalton asks, but I'm too distracted watching Tenny. I shrug.

"Sure, but what about my party?"

He drops his hand from me, his face looking like a kicked puppy, and then I realize what I said. I give a sheepish smile in apology, but Dalton already has his sights set on Frankie, jaw tense and eyes narrowed. "You told her?!"

Her eyes go wide. "No—she beat it out of me! She had a hunch, okay? What was I supposed to do? Lie to my best friend?" She scrambles to gather her things into her arms: a cellphone, a bookbag, her nail file. "I have a very important meeting to get to."

She scurries off in a hurry.

Dalton pouts, forehead creased and hands folded together. I place my head back onto his shoulder; he softens a little. "I think it's really sweet that you planned me a party," I say. "And I'll put on my best surprised face when I arrive."

"Promise?" he says, and I nod. "Well, since you already know about it, I was going to invite him later, but might as well do it now." Dalton waves a hand in the air. "Bailey, over here!" The boy comes running over, dropping to the seat Frankie had left open.

"What's up?"

"I'm throwing Violet a surprise party on Saturday—Sigma Chi is hosting," he says. "Do you want to come?"

𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang