S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3

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"I killed her." the Doctor says as the Captain sits on the chair previously occupied by the man, with tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Van Statten says looking to and from both men.

"I said we'd protect her. She was only here because of us, and you're sorry?!" the Doctor turns and faces Van Statten.

"We could have killed that Dalek in its cell, but you stopped us." the Captain says angrily.

"It was the prize of my collection!"

"Your collection?!" the Captain shouts.

"Well, was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Rose? Let me tell you something Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore. To be part of something greater..." the Doctor says.

"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars."

"You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them." the Doctor says.

"You're about as far from the stars as you can get." the Captain raises his voice as he stands up looking at the man. "And you took her down with you."

"She was 19 years old." the Doctor says quietly.


Rose opens her eyes not expecting to still be alive. "Go on then, kill me. Why are you doing this?" Rose asks the Dalek.

"I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose."  the Dalek tells her.

"They're all dead because of you!"

"They are dead because of US!" the Dalek says, Rose looks at it terrified.

"And now what? What are you waiting for?"

"I feel you fear."

"What d'you expect?"

"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear!" it shoots at the wall a little away from Rose. It then shoots the other side of Rose. "You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated."


The lift door opens and Adam walks out. "You were quick on your feet, leaving Rose behind." the Doctor walks up and confronts the man.

"I'm not the one who sealed the vault!" Adam returns.

"Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler dies." the Dalek says through the TV screen. The Doctor takes a step forward with a smile on his face. The Captain looks up at the screen and lets out a relieved chuckle.

"You're alive!" the Doctor exclaims.

"Can't get rid of me." Rose says.

"We thought you were dead." the Captain tells her.

"Open the bulkhead!" the Dalek commands.

"Don't do it!" Rose says.

"What use are emotions, if you will not save the woman you love?" the Dalek asks specifically the Doctor. The Doctor and Captain look over at Van Statten.

"I killed her once. I can't do it again." the Doctor says walking over to the computer and pressing 'Enter'.


The bulkhead door slowly rises allowing the Dalek and Rose to walk down the corridor.


"What do we do now? You bleeding heart, what the hell do we do?" Van Statten shouts at the Doctor. The Captain stands up in front of Van Statten towering over the man, he stands in between the Doctor and Van Statten.

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