For You are Special

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Choi Han sighed in relief as he had a warm bath at the Henituse manor. Somehow upon their arrival, they immediately had the best meal, had the best wine and snacks, and now he had a warm bath.

The scent of herbs and flowers created a cozy atmosphere and he could feel his self dozing at the amount of comfort that he feels. He hopes Cale is currently doing the same, a warm rest on a cozy tub.

But seeing the urgency of the people at the dining hall trying to approach them Choi Han knew that Cale was definitely doing his noble responsibilities at the moment.

And he guessed right. For three days he could barely see Cale, they no longer had their meals together, Cale is in meetings after meetings, and once he visited Cale's study only to see the bags under Cale's eyes and after persisting that Cale should rest was he finally successful to make him sleep.

"He smells great I wonder what kind of shampoo he uses? I should ask the maids if it's okay if I use the same." Choi Han muttered quietly as he walked around town hoping he could buy Cale something nice.

However, he is already exploring the town for 2 hours and had passed by the same set of stalls for more than his fingers could count and he sighed heavier than he usually does.

What kind of things does someone who literally owns the land want?

Choi Han felt at a loss and then suddenly he spotted the butler that was always near Cale.

"Sir Choi Han is there something that you want to ask?" Hans approached Choi Han whom he felt shivers from the intense staring the other made at him.

"How did you know?"

Hans almost answered 'Sir you look like you want to stab me.' but he kept that to himself, "You looked like you wanted to inquire something of great urgency."

"Ah... Uhm what does Cale, I mean Count Henituse usually enjoy as a gift?" Choi Han tried his best not to show his shyness.

Is there someone finally falling in love with our Count? And to think that its the hero, what a big fish our Sir had catched.

Hans thought to himself as he smiled, "It truly is hard to buy something for someone of Count's Henituse status. But from what I know is that he enjoys lemon tea and apple pie on his breaks."

By giving his advice, Hans remembered some bits of his past. Before the war started, he could remember the hatred that the Young Master Cale had towards sour beverages especially lemon tea, but after Ron and Beatrix left the manor, Cale would from time to time drink lemon tea until he carried that habit to his current age.

"Lemon tea and apple pie... Can I ask for a second favor? May I borrow the County's kitchen?"

"Of course, you are our Count's guest after all."

Hans almost, definitely regretted letting Choi Han into the kitchen. The staff did as well but no one is brave enough to reprimand the hero of his actions, and when Choi Han tasted his cooking. He asked the chefs to prepare another pie and lemon tea to bring to Cale instead.

How come using a sword and cooking is so different?

Choi Han sighed for the umpteenth time and he readied himself as he knocked to Cale's study. Books and paper organized on the desk, and Cale was napping at the sofa.

Choi Han remembered Cale patting his head and then before he knew it, his hands were caressing Cale's hair. Soft and gentle, he tried his best to control his strength as he didn't want to wake Cale up.

But soon Cale slowly woke up blinking at the proximity of him and Choi Han's face, and the warmth on his head was telling him that Choi Han is patting his head.

In Midst of Stray (Orig Choi Han x Orig Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now