Count Henituse

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What is Choi Han to me?

Cale pondered as the two of them went on their usual silent walks, he looked quietly at Choi Han's back.

'Those tiny shoulders have to shoulder the weight of this war... Seriously, what kind of nobles and people are we?' Cale sighed.

At times Cale does wonder how come he is too kind and caring to Choi Han? Was it because of their misunderstanding at their first meeting? Or was it pity to a fellow soldier?

Or was it because he longed for a company, who remind of his past?

Despite the cringe that he felt for acting trashy during his teenage years Cale still longed for the long gone peace that their County used to have. The usual meals he had with his family and the bustling of the city all day.

Sometimes, he thinks of what would the County be like if only the war never happened?

But such thoughts have weaken his heart so he distract himself once more.

Choi Han, somehow 20 years have passed since their first meeting but Choi Han still looked exactly the same. More stressed and mature but still youthful. He had the expression and reactions of someone who lived for a very long time but his body remained the same.

Others do theorize that Choi Han is a being beyond their imagination, a monster at times was used to describe him.

But Cale believes that Choi Han is simply human, with a cat like behavior.

Shy and cautious, wary to those who approaches him. Loves warm food, the heat from the firewood, and the sight of peace and quietness.

"Cale for me you are a kind friend of mine." Choi Han suddenly spoke out of nowhere and Cale immediately looked at him out of shock.

"What's this out of nowhere?"

"Well... You told me that I'm human... That's very... Something that I wished someone would tell me... So for me I... I see you as someone very kind to me and a very understanding warm person." Choi Han felt his heart quicken at every word that he says. Every word making his voice tremble, his hands shake, and the next words harder to even say. But despite all these things he wanted Cale to know what he feels.

His feelings that he carefully hid from the world, he wants to show it to Cale. Someone that he feels could understand him better than anyone else.

"I... Thank you Cale... For being a kind friend to me, for being here when I never expected for someone like you to be with me... Here you are, being so warm to me." Choi Han had a soft smile, his eyes only seeing Cale in the world, and for a while he would forget his fears and doubts for he wanted Cale to know his honest feelings.

"... You're the kind one Choi Han. I only said what anyone should say to you. For being human despite all the pain that you have been through." Cale approached Choi Han slowly.

Perhaps it is the nervousness for something new to both of them. The leaves had a soft crunch at every step that Cale took, his hands had trembled.

For he feared, that Choi Han will reject him. Because Choi Han is the first genuine friend that he made.

Choi Han instinctly wanted to run away because he fears of something new to him. But the trust that he have to Cale was stronger.

Cale then reached an arm length distance to Choi Han. And he did what his mother once did to him when he was a child. A comforting and appreciative gesture that he misses the most.

Slowly, he caressed Choi Han's hair, brushing his fingers gently at the black locks and he looked directly at Choi Han's eyes.

Black meeting brown, and Cale smiled while saying "Thank you Choi Han, you said to me the things that I wanted to hear the most."

A single drop of tear made its way to Choi Han's cheeks, for not even a single moment did he doubt Cale's kind words to him. It was truly different from those he had heard from the countless people who approached him before.

A friend. Choi Han made a new friend, a friend who feels different from the ones he made before.

Cale swiped the tear from his eye, "If you want to cry just tell me, I'll definitely wipe your tears and listen to you."

Choi Han nodded as he hugged Cale. It was a moment of vulnerability that he had not experienced for a long time. His defenses are lowered but he knows he won't be harmed at all.

He feels safe with someone. And it feels truly new.

And Cale at that moment then realized, what he felt for Choi Han.

He is gradually, maybe he already is but he knows he likes Choi Han. And for once he had the urge to pray to the gods, thanking them for letting him meet Choi Han once more.


Choi Han soon calmed down and then they finally reached the County. The city have drastically changed from how it was before.

Defenses are stronger and the people still looked worried but they were working harder and with each step they took into the city. The citizens have bowed to them.

"Cale, are you the count?"

"Yes, since I am the last heir to be alive. This is now my County."

Choi Han was shocked and amazed to how Cale was managing his life as a lieutenant and a Count of a huge territory.

The city is striving in comparison to other cities that have also been affected during the war. The Henituse County showed a big difference from them, showing a great leadership from its Count.

""We greet Count Cale Henituse, welcome back Count Henituse."" The servants at the mansion bowed to them, and Choi Han saw a different side of Cale today.

He felt awe at the majestic figure of Count Cale Henituse.

In Midst of Stray (Orig Choi Han x Orig Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now