Sixteen - What I Want To Be

Start from the beginning

The Old Adam would have just walked away and left it. But he wasn't here anymore.

"I do respect everything that women go through, and it's a shame that you are still treated second to us."

The woman smiled, showing the piercing on her lip.

"Mate, she's not going to fuck you!"

The soyboy turned to me, his glasses almost falling from his eyes. "I beg your pardon?"

"I'd watch him if I were you, sweetheart," I said, directing a hand to the girl. "His hand was hovering close to your arse a minute ago."

I walked back as the girl widened her eyes toward the soyboy. "I... I don't know... what he means..." he stammered, suddenly having nothing to say.

I couldn't hide my smile as I walked away. Yeah, I cockblocked him – but I'd just done that girl a favour.

I took a quick break to catch up with Rachel, as I had a rare moment when I had nothing to do. However, when I got there, the café looked like a bomb had hit it. There wasn't a single table that didn't have clutter on it and I could see that Rachel's forehead was gleaming and her cheeks fluster as she removed the mess from one table, seemingly desperate to get it back to it's usual state.

"Rachel?" I asked. "You all right?"

"Lunchtime rush!" Rachel gasped. "Had a swarm of people come in at once, this is the only chance I've had to clean it all up!"

"You want a hand?" I offered.

"That would be amazing if you could!" Rachel said. Her eyes narrowed. "Jesus, Adam. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm ok," I replied, taking a black back to start clearing the tables. "Where's Ron?"

"'Lunch break!'" Rachel bellowed. "He left as things started to get busy, refusing to stay and help me."

"So you were left to do all this on your own?" I gasped. "That's not right!"

"I know right?" Rachel groaned. "Why do they even hire that ginger twat? He's as useful as a chocolate teapot!"

"I'm back!" the aforementioned ginger twat said. As soon as she heard his voice, Rachel stared daggers at him that looked like she could slice his head off.

"And where the bloody hell have you been?" Rachel bellowed. "Your lunch break was over ten minutes ago!"

"I got held up at the pharmacy," Ron said with a nonchalant shrug. "Hey, what happened here? It's like a bomb hit it!"

"You think?" Rachel was incredulous in the way she screamed that, and I thought her throat was going to rip in half with the way she shouted it.

"It's quite messy here, really not setting a good impression of the café."

Oh Ron. Did you really want to go down this route?

Rachel took a deep breath as if she was about to blow him away with superbreath (which would have been pretty cool now I think about it), then she puffed it out with all the frustration she could manage. Her veins on her next bulged and I was worried she was going to have an aneurism. "Well, I'm sorry!" she grunted. "But I was a little busy serving customers, seeing as I was on my OWN!"

"I had my lunch come up!" Ron squealed.

"Oh don't give me that bollocks," Rachel exclaimed. "You knew well how busy we were getting and still left me to do YOUR job!"

"It's not my fault my lunch break fell on that time." Honestly, Ron sounded like he hadn't hit puberty sometimes.

"Well, I haven't had my lunch yet," Rachel complained, throwing the black bag on the ground. "And now you're back, I hope you don't mind if I go eat something!"

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