Fourteen - Fourth Session

Start from the beginning


Shaking my head – and not dwelling on that choice of words like I probably should have – I walked away to find a tree. Dr Eve sure was one of the more – extravagant therapists I'd ever had that was for sure. Strange that Dr Ami recommended her.

Now that I thought about it, it was a shame that Dr Ami didn't continue our sessions – she was nice. Not to mention really fit. I always saw her as like an anime girl come to life – and not just because she was Japanese. Most nights I often imagined her – wait, why was I thinking about this now? I guess I was just too relaxed!

Eventually I found a tree where a pile of apples had fallen to the ground. They were laid out, like puddles of fruit at my feet. I couldn't even see Dr Eve anymore, how far had I walked? The aroma was thickest around this part of the forest, the smell digging into my nostrils like it was the sweetest thing. The only thing that irked me was how I was going to fit all these apples in my tiny basket. Maybe I could just fill it with what I had and then come back for the rest later.

I knelt down and picked up an apple. As soon as my fingers touched the red outer skin, I felt a tingle run through them. Sort of like a static electric shock, but without the pain. It was like touching the softest flesh of a beautiful woman, causing me to sight with delight. I held it in front of me, dusting off the dirt that was on the side of it. Strangely, I felt angry that the dirt would dare touch something as pure as this. The smell struck my nose again, so I inhaled deeply, the sensation filling me from the depth of my core to the top of my head. The juicy red skin shone in the sun, causing it to shimmer like fire. It was as if it were calling out to me, begging me to devour it – demanding me even. I wondered what secrets were held behind its red flesh.

I looked behind, but Dr Eve was no longer in sight. Surely she wouldn't mind if I ate just one apple, right? She was going to make this into a pie for me anyway, so why not indulge myself? I'm sure she wouldn't miss just one. Just one.

I held the apple closer to my mouth, the sweet smell pulling me by my throat. I could feel my mouth sweating, my adam's apple caught in my throat for a moment as I swallowed. I breathed out a fiery breath as I leaned in, my teeth covering the top and the bottom of the apple.

I bit deep.

I took off a chunk of the apple, crunching it up in my jaw. Never had fruit tasted so amazing – like I was eating Heaven. The apple pie had only given me a taster of the joy that I felt eating this. All my problems blew away like leaves in a hurricane and I could feel only tranquillity.

Before I knew it, I had eaten the entire thing, leaving only the core. My belly jingled at the delight that I had fed it; then growled. It was not satisfied. After all – one apple could not satiate the hunger I had.

I'm sure Dr Eve wouldn't miss two apples.

I bit into another, devouring it before I even knew it was in my hand.

My belly rumbled. It still wasn't enough.

I picked up another, consuming this in seconds.

Still I was not full.

I picked up as many apples as I could, forcing my teeth around them and chewing them up like a tiger would chew on the carcass of a fresh kill. I ate and would continue to eat until my stomach was full. And yet, the more I ate, the more my belly begged for more. I was in a haze and nothing would drag me from it, no matter how many apples I consumed. I don't know how many I ate, it could have been a hundred for all I knew. The sweet taste lingered in my mouth, until my mouth was dripping red with sauce.

I came out of my haze, but my hunger was not yet complete. And yet, something felt different. The sweet aroma from the apples had gone. The juice in my mouth tasted less sweet and more like – copper. I moved a finger to my drooling mouth, filled with apple chunks as I chewed slowly on them. My finger brushed across a thick, syrupy liquid, which I held to my eyes. It glistened in the sunlight, the smell of copper stronger now.

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