Chapter 8 - The Bite

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I have been sitting in my room with Derek for hours him explaining everything I need to know. Before when I read all those history books about the werewolves and beasts I didn't think we're all real.

"Riley, can I talk to you" Liam
"Sure" Riley
Derek walked out of the room.
"I'm sorry this happened" Liam
"Yeah I am too, but all my life there has been dissapoitments and you can't do anything about them" Riley
"I just wanted to ask if this changes anything with us besides everything and are you gonna be ok" Liam
" Nothing changes between us and I'm sure I will be ok once I get the hang of all this" Riley
"How did you do all of that stuff at the hospital yesterday Liam
"My uncle was with the U.S Marines and he was really tough about my training and I guess I just have fast reflexes" Riley
"Well, your about to get faster" Liam
"If I don't die" Riley
"Stop saying that, I will make sure you survive" Liam
"And if I don't" Riley
"Were not there yet, so we'll see" Liam
Liam started to walk out of the room.
Then he turned around.
"Hey Riley" Liam
"Yeah" Riley
"I love you" Liam
"I love you too" Riley

Next thing I knew a loud bang come from the hallway. I stepped into the hallway to see Scott pressing Liam up against the wall. I jumped forward and pulled Scott off Liam and before Scott could dodge I was in full wolf, I had transformed. I turned around and looked at Liam. He smiled at me then all of my claws and fangs retracted and my eyes went back to their normal dark brown. Malia, Kira, Stiles , and Derek ran upstairs.

"What was that for" Riley
"If it wasn't for Liam you wouldn't be in all this mess" Scott
"It's not Liam's fault it's mine. If hadn't have been so in need to know everything and follow you guys this wouldn't have happened. You can also take some of the blame you are the one who bit me" Riley
Scott's red eyes melted away my again glowing golden.
"How?" Derek
"What do you mean, all her teeth and claws are there and she is a beta just like it is supposed to happen?" Liam
"I've never heard of someone turning so fast, at their own will. You did turn at your own will, right?" Derek
"Yeah" Riley
"I turned in 2 days so what's the difference" Liam
"It usually takes girls 2 to 4 days to turn, and you don't feel any urge to kill." Derek
"No." Riley
"Maybe she's not supposed to be a beta" Derek
"Then what is she supposed to be, if you think she isn't supposed to be a beta?" Scott
"I don't know" Derek

The last few hours have been frustrating. Hearing Derek, Scott , and stiles talk about why I transformed so fast and at my own will. Me and liam are sitting upstairs in my bedroom listening to their conversation.

"Why can't they just forget about the whole thing and move on?" Riley
"Cause we can't do that the way our lives are. You have to get the answers or everything won't male sense." Liam
"So basically it's like a math equation except never ending" Riley
"Yeah, I guess so" Liam
"Hey guys I think we found something" Stiles

I ran downstairs. Scott, Malia, Derek, Lydia, Kira, and Dr. Deaton were standing in the kitchen around the island.

"Show him your eyes" Scott
Deaton walked up to me. I blinked and my eyes glew.
"Her eyes aren't the usual golden like Liam's are , hers are a lot lighter" Deaton
"What does that mean" Liam
"She is a very rare type of wolf, probably the only one left in existence. People like me can tell what her future will be like, not supernaturally though. Let's just say Riley, you and liam have a very bright future ahead." Deaton
"So, what am I" Riley
"I don't want to tell you because once you know, everyone here will be in danger. Other creatures will want to get rid of you and scott as well" Deaton
"Why scott?" Riley
Let's just say you both are the same in a way but will soon be torn apart" Deaton
"This is just crazy and at least one of you doesn't want to be the way you are and I know I dont, but I guess life doesn't turn out the way you want it to. I kinda of need you to tell me what I am so all of us can prevent anyone in this room and outside from loosing their life."Riley
The home phone rang and Scott answered.
I grabbed the phone.
"Hello. Who? My sister. Elizabeth. OK thank you. I will. Goodbye. I think I just found my sister, biological sister. Riley
"What are you gonna do?" Scott
"I might possibly in a few weeks will go see her in Iowa" Riley
"The full moon is in a few weeks you can't go then" Liam
"Well, I still have to pretend I have a normal life, and since Deaton won't give any information and I am practically a miracle, I guess she'll have to leave college and come here" Riley
"Ok it's settled then everything will go back to normal" Scott
I walked up to my room, Scott, lydia, kira, Malia, Liam, and derek stayed downstairs and studied the map once more.

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