Chapter 17: Sass is the best weapon...

Start from the beginning

Regulus was both enjoying this and hating this. He could irritate Lucas, which he enjoys but he honestly would be enjoying this way more if he was not bound at the moment.

"Regulus? Is it really you?"
"What do you think Sirius?"
Sirius let out a shocked laugh his brother was really alive!

"It really is you! Moony let him go it really is my brother!"
"No shit sherlock, who else could I be?"

Sirius was very amused now; he had not seen this side of his brother in more than 18 years. He really missed his baby brother who sassed him every chance he got. Regulus was clearly enjoying this, he really loved sassing people. 


After a painstakingly long talk about how he survived and is he here on Voldemorts orders and all sorts of stupid questions. They finally went back to Grimmauld place, upon entering the screeching of a witch reached their ears. Regulus let out a groan, were their parents really still alive?

"Don't worry they are dead."

Regulus felt like rejoicing till he realized that that means their mothers portrait was here.

"Why didn't you throw her out?"

"Kreacher wouldn't let me. Something about only doing it on your orders or something."
Regulus stood still as he heard the last bit of his brother's sentence. He kept Kreacher? He got a small smile on his face. Now he could really get back at no-nose-bastard.


"Master Regulus!"

"Kreacher it is really wonderful seeing you again, but do you still have that locket I gave you?"
"Yes, Kreacher does!"
"Great, Kreacher please go get it for me."
"Kreacher will get it right away master Regulus!"
Kreacher popped out leaving the two brothers in momentary silence. Sirius was looking at Regulus expectingly, Regulus grinned back at him. Kreacher popped back in with Slytherins locket in his hands. Regulus told the house elf to get rid of Walgebra's portrait via dropping it in lava.

Sirius could not believe that this was his brother. Not only was his brother in fact not dead but alive and breathing but he also just told Kreacher to drop their mother's portrait in a volcano... He is so proud of him!

"So not that I hate that you just got rid of her once and for all, but what are you getting her rid for?"
"Can I not rid the world of one less evil bitch?"
Regulus asked Sirius with a lifted eyebrow. Sirius could not believe what his little brother the perfect heir just called their mother, but he isn't wrong.

"I can't argue against facts. Now what are you doing with that locket?"
"Oh this? Tell me Sirius are you working with Voldemort?"
"How did you know?"
How did his brother who died 18 years ago know this after talking to him for less than a day?

"Easy, I could see that the senile old bastard was glaring at you the whole time as well as that Weasley woman. Honestly, I would not be surprised if she was fucking around with the old coot. With how she batted her eyelashes at him and kept staring at him and purposely kept so many buttons on her blouse unbuttoned."

Sirius made a heavily disgusted face at that. Molly and Dumbledore? Merlin no! I did not need to know that!

"Gross! I could have gone my entire life without that information!"
"Now the locket-"
"First why are you working with the no-nose-bastard?"
"Interesting name you have there Reggie; he does have nose now though. And he is the only one actively searching for my godson."

"He finally got a nose? Miracles really do happen.  Also, who is your godson and what happened to him?"

 "James's son, Harry, is my godson. Do you want the entire story?"

"Why not? Not like I have anything else to do."

"Alright. Harry has been missing since the death of his aunt and uncle. When we arrived at the crime scene, we discovered that Harry was turned into a werewolf. He completely mauled his aunt, uncle and cousin. There wasn't much to put back together, and the muggle doctors say that even if they could, they wouldn't be able to find all the pieces to put them back together. From there on out Harry was declared missing seeing as he was not found at the crime scene, and we figured out it was him because it was only his magical usage found there."

Regulus was surprised to hear this, a young boy mauled his only family and disappeared? Not that he could blame him. But how did they not notice he was bitten?

"He went on the run, never staying in one place long enough for us to actually get him. When he finally stood still in one place we had to wait, seeing as the mountain was completely uninhabitable during the winter. We wouldn't be able to have walked on the mountain itself. It was then that we heard he had joined a pack there and was then abducted. We searched everywhere for him, and we still couldn't find him! I flipped out on Dumbledore hen I found out he had known for months where he was, and when I confronted him, he told me we couldn't go because it was too dangerous for Harry if we were to go get him. And then two people told me that Voldemort was actually actively searching for him and Greyback as both were kidnapped by the sane people."

"Are you not concerned what Voldemort might do to Harry when he finds him?"
"That is the funny thing you see. Harry unknowingly joined Greyback's pack and Greyback unknowingly allowed Harry Potter to join. So Greyback was hellbent on getting his pack member back and thus scared Voldemort shitless. I heard from Barty Jr that the entire pack stayed there for a while and scared everyone there."
"Wait Barty is alive?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot you two were friends. Do you want to see him again?"
"Yes, and I want to get my revenge on Voldemort."
"Alright let's go."

Walking inside the unknown manor Regulus saw many people. His brother had rudely dropped him off and went to who knows where. So now he was lost in an unknown manor with who knows what kind of people lurking about. He was just about to turn back around and walk in the other direction, opposite from where the voices were coming from when he literally bumped into someone.


Hearing the familiar voice Regulus looked at who he bumped into. It was Barty.


"Merlin is it really you Regulus?"

"Who the fuck else would I be Barty?"

"It is you! I thought you died!"

"Well long story short I didn't die and instead got stuck in a 17 yearlong magical coma."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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