what if raph's dad never left

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His parents divorced but instead of staying with his mum, his dad took him instead.
Unfortunately just because he got custody doesn't mean he cares any more. Raph is mostly left to his own devices, sometimes even forgetting to feed him. He has to figure out how to grow up by himself. As a kid with no guidance he tends to eat whatever's available (mostly junk food) and doesn't go to school at first. His dad does get in trouble for this so does actually enforce his education, if only to get them off his back. It also gets raph out of the house which they both quickly learn they prefer.
Raph is a fast learner and quickly picks up essentials like cooking and sewing. As he grows up, his dad begins to impart his own teachings, like how to be a man. Raph decides to do some things entirely the opposite just to annoy him, like dressing feminine and growing out his hair. As expected this makes his dad furious and the two get into regular arguments when they're not completely ignoring each other. However his dad isn't the only one that takes distaste to his style and ppl start bullying him. At first it's just name calling but when he argues back, the only way he knows, it turns physical. Naturally, he fights back.
Raph picks up martial arts, and starts going to the gym. The fights become more regular. One day they have a weapon. Just clubs, or something similar, but it catches him out and they begin to overpower him. Then someone else steps in. They're skilled, and similarly gnc, and make short work of the bullies. The stranger introduces herself as Indra; she and her boyfriend just moved here recently; and offers a hand up. Raph ignores it, largely offended and lowkey embarrassed they had to step in.
Over the next few weeks indra keeps showing up, judging his fights and offering pointers. Raph keeps brushing off her offers of help, not wanting to rely on anyone for support, but at the same time he ends up listening to his advice.
Then his dad sees them together and blows up. He's been hanging out with another weirdo, and a girl at that? Raph takes great pride in informing his dad that Indra is actually genderfluid. They argue, it's intense, and they're gathering attention. His dad decides they should continue this at home, and grabs him. Raph reacts on instinct and the next moment he's on the ground.
Obviously he ends up getting kicked out of the house. Indra convinces both Raph and Altan to let him stay with them. Raph had seen Altan with Indra before but not yet been introduced. It's a rough start, Raph hating having to rely on them like this, but the three learn to live around each other. And then, as is somewhat inevitable when living together, he discovers their secret.
Of course Raph knew about the supervillains and the heroes fighting them, but he didn't pay too much attention to the drama. He had more important things going on in his life. No, obviously he wasn't going to tell anyone. He may be an ahole but he wasn't mean. Nor stupid, no matter what anyone may think. Besides, who would he tell? So life goes on.
Eventually, as the timeline moves as it should, they meet the rest of the group. Liana lives on the other side of town and is nice, if demanding. She claims to act as the voice of reason, but Raph considers her more of a killjoy. Naturally they clash often. Unlike his dad though, she pays attention and knows when to back off. Liana is very good at reading people which is kinda creepy but means she could work with nearly anyone. Including Raph. And slowly, he starts trying too.
Luc on the other hand, is quiet and polite. Too quiet in his opinion, but they don't get on his nerves unlike everyone else. So he's willing to try with them too. He often came on too strong at the start, but again, he learned quickly.
Sometimes he joins indra and altan as a hero, but his idol doesn't really feel like it fit entirely. It does help him learn to be more selfless but it still feels just a little off. At least the battles feel familiar enough.
He also doesn't date Jade, cause he saw from experience the kind of person she was. Though he still enjoys taking her idol just as much. Especially when the Wildcat responds to him and he figures out why the bear was never quite his.

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