What if the Hartridge siblings were separated in foster care

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When Daniel Hartridge dies and Sarah can't take care of them, they get sent to foster care. This is true in canon. The change comes when the system can't find a good place for the two together, and decides to adopt them out separately.

Alex gets kicked out of school, runs away/gets arrested several times, and bounces around families before finally going to the streets

Jen stays w her new family until discovering her powers when she gets recruited by the paladins

Jen makes friends w various paladins, ends up in a western plains group, probably Esteelian but not necessarily

If Alex meets the vipers before getting her powers, she would join them but if not, she quickly learns how to use her new abilities and becomes a street rat

Probably way more antisocial and reckless bc no Jen

Ends up leaving Esteelia, bouncing around towns/cities until the paladins track her down, meets a few nice ppl but usually lies and steals to take advantage of their kindness

Meanwhile Jen asked the paladins to find her sister, they agreed figuring the chances of powers but bc of bouncing around it took a long time to track Alex to a direct location

Jen is still genuine and positive but also tougher than original timeline and more confident in herself

Jen is allowed to go find her, Alex is not impressed and marks her only as a potential target for swiping

Jen keeps trying resulting in Alex's powers being revealed, not that she was hiding them much

Powers confirmed, paladins are now after Alex.

Alex is betrayed and angry but also not exactly surprised

Au Alex would flat out never be caught dead being friendly w paladins, even if they were her sister. Being a loner has is perks, meaning no invisible leash for Alex. Tho she does now have to avoid the paladins wherever she goes now so that's fun

May end up in the pits bc what else are they gonna do w her nothing they can do will make her compliant she's too old and spirited

If they ended up in a hostage situation with a knife against Jen's throat Alex would leave her behind and not think twice

If Alex was at knifepoint Jen would try to save Alex and Alex would be annoyed abt it: why would you do that are u stupid now we're both in trouble well done

Jen's still determined to share joy and save as many ppl as she can, she would do the same for anyone rlly but also she knows that you cant save everyone and that's life so she wouldn't go as far as original timeline jenny

Split Alex would be way more feral and possibly feel and act more in tune to other animals than humans

Split Alex does not know abt being genderfluid, she never got a good enough education and she doesn't spend enough time around people for it to really matter anyway, so she only uses she/her pronouns

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