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Warrior get ready! Wonder Women yelled

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Warrior get ready! Wonder Women yelled. 

On it. I said as I looked around and saw Cheetah coming up from behind me. 

I quickly turned around and doughed her attack. I grabbed her tail and slammed her into the ground. I yanked her up towards Wonder Women. 

Wonder Women slammed her into a wall causing Cheetah to get knocked out. 

After the fight was over we handed Cheetah over to the police. 

I turned around and saw Wonder Women looking at me. 

Yeah, Yeah I know next time I need to keep in check of property damage. I said. 

Ha, no Warrior today you performed excellent. You kept by standers at bey and you caused little property damage well done. Wonder Women said as I smiled. 

You ready? Wonder Women asked.

Yes Ma'am. I said today was the that I would be apart of the Justice League. 


Dianna and I got to Hall of  Justice in no time. 

Aw well would you look at that It's my favorite wonder kid. Wally said. 

Aw and if it isn't  my favorite speedster.  I said. 

Wally than put his arm over my head and was giving me a nudgy. 

Ow Kid stop! I ordered. 

 Not until you admit  that I'm the fastest speeder. Wally said. 

In your dreams! I yelled. 

Oh I do dream about and oh what sweet dreams they are. Wally said. 

Kid, let go of Warrior. Kaluder  said as he came in. 

Okay fine. Wally said as he let go of me. 

Thanks Kaluder. I said. 

Of course. Kaluder said. 

Batman and Robin came in not long after. 

Step aside guys the real man is here. Robin said.

Sure half Pint. I said. 

Shut up! Robin yelled. 

Enough. Come along. Diana said. 

We all stood behind are teachers as we went in the hall of Justice.

Once the doors were open we saw Red Tornado and Martian man Hunter. 

Robin, Speedy, Aqualand, Warrior, and Kind Flash, Welcome. You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course are library. Martian man hunter said. 

Make yourselves at home.  Flash said. 

Quick  debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day. We shouldn't be long. Batman said as the doors almost shut. 

That's it! You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass. Roy said. 

It's a first step. You've been granted access few others don't get. Aqua man said. 

 Oh really. Roy said s he pointed out a huge glass windows where people could look inside.

Who cares what side of the glass we're really on. Roy said. 

Roy you just need to be patient. Green arrow said. 

Yeah Roy just take a breather. I said. 

Shut up Bailey. What I need is respect. They treating us like kids. Worse like sidekicks. We deserve better than this. Roy said. 

Me, Kaluder, Wally, and Dick all looked at each other. 

Your kidding right? Your playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day. Step one becoming full fleshed members of the league. Roy said. 

Well, sure but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ. Wally said. 

Wally not is not the time for your jokes. I said. 

No I really did think that. Wally said. 

Except the hall isn't the League's real HQ. I bet they never told you. It's just a false front for tourists. And a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes, To the real thing an satellite called the watchtower. Roy said. 

You are not helping your cause here son, stand down or- Aqua man was cut off. 

Or what? You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son. I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner, but not anymore. Roy says as he threw down his hat. 

I was shocked, there was no way Roy would quite. His dream was to be in the league. There was no way he would just quite like that.  

Guess their right about you four. Roy said as he past us. 

Roy wait! I yelled running up to him. 

You can't just leave. I said. 

Watch me. Roy said. 

I grabbed his arm. 

Wait! Roy please just talk to me, remember we can always talk to each other. I said. 

Roy than put his hand on my head and rubbed it. 

Take care of yourself Bailey. Roy said as he left. 

Superman than came on call.

Super man to justice league there's been an explosion at project Cadmus it's on fire. Superman said. 

I've had my suspicions about Cadmus. Batman said. 

Zatara than came on call. 

Zatara to Justice League, the sorcerer Wotn us using the amulet of Alttan to blot the sun. Requesting full league response. I said. 

Superman? Batman asked. 

It's a small fire local authorities have it under control. Superman said. 

Okay. Batman turned to us. 

You all stay here. Batman said. 

What? Why? Dick said. 

This is a League mission your not trained. Wonder Women said. 

What. I have been on so many missions with you? How is this one different. I said.

She means your not trained to be apart of this team. Flash said. 

There will be other missions when your ready. Aqua Man said. 

But for now stay put. Batman said as they all left us. 

Ugh, when we're ready? How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like sidekicks? Wally said. 

My mentor. my King. I thought he trusted me. Kaluder said. 

Trust? They don't trust us with the basics. They got a secret HQ in space! Wally said

Yeah we know Wally we all heard that. I said. 

What else aren't they telling us? Kaluder said. 

I have a better question why didn't we leave with speedy? Dick said. 

Look we made are choice and so did Roy. I said. 

What is project Cadmus? Kaluder said. 

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