to zionists

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imagine, 76 years ago, a person is homeless and feeling pity for them, you welcomed them in to your house. then after they've lived there for a while, they decide to destroy, attack, bomb your house, take your things and violently beat your family members. after having enough of it, you stood up to yourself and fought back, then suddenly half the world is calling you terrorist. sounds familiar? that's exactly what's happening in palestine right now. citizens are being bombed as you read this and as i type this out. people are supposed to wake up to the sound of birds chirping, but no, palestinians are being woken by the sound of bombs dropping, people screaming and running for dear life. once they're lucky enough to survive and get carried to the hospital, they're bombed. again. there were 36 hospitals in gaza, and israel has bombed every single one of them. every. single. one. kids, teenagers, children becoming orphans, entire families wiped, parents carrying their kids' dead bodies in bags, this all happens in a matter of minutes. parents digging up their kids from under the rubble, teenagers having to take care of their siblings. people stood with ukraine when russia took over them, but turned their back away when it's palestine. why are palestinians, or more specifically, muslim, lives different? do you condemn mass murder of citizens, or is it diffrent when it's middle eastern citizens? if ukraine fights back, they're heroes, but if palestine defends themselves then they're terrorists? what is this world and humanity, when we have to hold thousands of protests just to say killing people is evil? it started in 1948. not october 7th 2023. "israel has the right to defend themselves 🥺" does defending themselves mean killing 30k+ innocent civillians? they (israel) started it, and is now acting as a victim. zionists, give me a reason why israel is the victim without using hamas. apartheid wasn't okay in south africa and nazi germany, so why is it okay in palestine? the only 'crime' that palestine did was to welcome you as refugees when you had nowhere to go, yet now you stabbed your saviour in the back when you had the chance. "but k-k-k-khamas" no. history didn't start on october 7th, get educated. want hamas to be gone? get rid of what caused it: israel. give palestine back their land. israel had crossed the barriers of war, oh wait, this isn't even war. this is genocide. white phosphorus. "free israel" ya right, from the world map. gluten free bread shortage and little kids throwing rocks, so scary and threatening 🥺🥺. while your beloved country (israel) are getting married and going on social media posting images of ruined palestine and saying 'pray for israel', palestinians are being killed, women and girls having to use tent scraps instead of period products, having to eat grass and dirt, dying from dehydration and hunger. a pregnant palestinian woman was crushed to death by israeli forces. they ran over her with a jeep until her fetus was OUTSIDE of her WOMB. what the actual fuck. it took israel only one lie about beheaded babies with 0 evidence to gain support from half the world, yet took palestine millions of lives, hundreds of heartbreaking videos, yet still no ceasefire. supporting palestine does not make one 'anti-semetic' or anti-jews. it makes them HUMAN. israel killed 30k+ people in 2 months, and half of them are CHILDREN. they have a life ahead, and a dream, but in a matter of minutes, they're dead, still wondering what did they do to deserve this. if you're against rape and killing kids, there are no fucking reason why you're standing with israel. calling palestinians terrorist for fighting back is calling a woman a terrorist for killing her rapist. "i'm neutral" you're siding with the oppressor. if a man beats his wife and then you say you support neither or both, that shit doesn't make sense. do people really expect palestine to make peace with israel? that's like telling a woman to fall in love with her rapist. you couldn't expect a person to hug someone that just broke into their house, steal everything from them and violently murder their family members. how is israel still the victim after all the deaths, and even white phosphorus? this shit ain't war. it's genocide. it's ethnic cleansing. use the correct term. an entire generation of children, still in school, killed. murdered. the ministry of education in gaza announced school year ends early because the students are all dead. D-E-A-D. from israel bombs. if you care so fucking much about october 7th, what about october 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, september, august, july, june, may, april, march, february, january, and every single year from 1948 to present? "israel has a right to defend itself" from what? kids? moms? dads? olive trees? houses? villages? hospitals? bakeries? schools? mosques? churches? water? insane yall are even gatekeeping rainwater, like 'rainwater is the property of israel' 🤡. 

from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.

from the sky to the ground, isnotreal will be taken down.

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